» أخبار الشركة » The US epidemic is out of control

لقد خرج وباء الولايات المتحدة عن السيطرة


بحسب تقارير إعلامية روسية بتاريخ 9 أبريل, طبيب محلي في غواياكيل, الاكوادور, قال ذلك بسبب نقص الأسرة, الأدوية, أجهزة التهوية ومعدات الحماية, هُزم الطاقم الطبي في محاربة COVID-19, وطالب المجتمع الدولي بالتدخل. غواياكيل, يقع حول 260 أميال جنوب كيتو, هل “مركز الزلزال” of the new crown virus outbreak in the country.

As of April 9, 4965 confirmed cases and 272 deaths have been reported in the country. Nearly 70% of the confirmed cases come from Guayaquil, which is the largest city and major port in the country. According to the doctor, the gruesome picture is that corpses are piled up on the streets, the mortuary in the city is full of corpses, and there will soon be no place to bury corpses in the cemetery, which has made headlines in international news.

It is said that theRussia TodayTV station talked with a doctor who asked not to be named. The doctor was worried that he would be fired for breaking the silence, because it had turned into a national disaster. The doctor said: “We have observed the shortage of medicines in all pharmacies, whether private pharmacies or state-controlled pharmacies. We have a hospital, but the hospital does not have enough beds and there is no ventilator that plays a vital role in saving lives. ”

He said: “Because of the lack of materials, limited hospital capacity and the lack of necessary protective equipment, doctors have to make some choices, in fact, they are waiting for critically ill patients to die. I have to say that in many cases, we have to wait until one patient dies so that another patient can have a bed and a ventilator. ”

في نفس الوقت, the struggle against COVID-19 also made medical professionals pay a heavy price, because they had to risk their lives to continue to take care of patients without adequate protective equipment. According to the latest report of Guayas Nursing College, 7 nurses died of SARS-CoV-2 infection, and another 147 nurses tested positive for SARS-CoV-2.

Preliminary estimate of "Case Zero" as early as December 15 Preliminary estimate ofCase Zeroas early as December 15


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