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the new crown vaccine jointly developed by Oxford University and AstraZeneca

the new crown vaccine jointly developed by Oxford University and AstraZeneca

Oxford new crown vaccine approved in the UK According to a BBC report on December 30, the British drug regulatory agency approved the new crown vaccine jointly developed by Oxford University and AstraZeneca. According to the previously announced Phase III clinical trial results, the average effectiveness of the vaccine reached 70%. Según informes, the British government has ordered 100 …

24 nuevos casos confirmados descubiertos en 31 provincias

24 nuevos casos confirmados descubiertos en 31 provincias

Había 24 nuevos casos confirmados en 31 provincias, incluido 7 casos locales. BEIJING, Dic. 30, según el sitio web oficial de la Comisión Nacional de Salud y Salud, de 0: 00 a 24: 00 en diciembre 29, 31 provincias (regiones autónomas y municipios directamente bajo el gobierno central) y el Cuerpo de Producción y Construcción de Xinjiang informaron 24 casos recién confirmados, incluido …

La población de China generalmente tiene un nivel bajo de infección por SARS-CoV-2

La población de China generalmente tiene un nivel bajo de infección por SARS-CoV-2

The serum flow profile of pneumonia in COVID-19 shows that the population in China is generally at a low infection level in SARS-CoV-2. According to Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, Diciembre 29 (Reporter Tian Xiaohang Mu Tiecheng), the reporter learned from the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention that one month after China curbed the first wave of COVID-19 pneumonia, …

Zhong Nanshan: There will be no large-scale outbreak in winter in China

Zhong Nanshan: There will be no large-scale outbreak in winter in China

Zhong Nanshan: There will be no large-scale outbreak in winter in China People’s Daily Overseas Network released, Zhong Nanshan: There will be no large-scale outbreaks of epidemics in China in winter. Zhong Nanshan talked about the transmission of the new coronavirus from person to person: The virus ispassed from person to person”, at what concentration it will be contagious, …

The Brazilian president is “powerless” to fight the epidemic

The Brazilian president ispowerlessto fight the epidemic

According to Russian media reports, on the evening of 28th local time, Brazilian President Bossonaro said in an interview that he could not resist the spread of pneumonia in COVID-19, y “relievedthe families of patients who died of pneumonia in COVID-19, saying thatsomeone will always die, this is life”. Según informes, there are over 5,000 deaths from

A pregnant woman in Dalian, Liaoning, infected with the new crown

A pregnant woman in Dalian, Liaoning, infected with the new crown

A pregnant woman in Dalian, Liaoning, infected with the new crown China News Network released that a pregnant woman in Dalian, Liaoning, infected with the new crown, has given birth to a baby boy safely after contracting the new crown. Zhao Lian, deputy director of the Dalian Municipal Health Commission, said at a press conference on epidemic prevention and control

Otra variación encontrada en Gran Bretaña., SARS-CoV-2

Otra variación encontrada en Gran Bretaña., SARS-CoV-2

Otra variación encontrada en Gran Bretaña.: SARS-CoV-2: the transmission is stronger and the variation is deeper. Agencia de noticias Xinhua, London, Diciembre 23 (Reporter Zhang Jiawei Jin Jing) British Health Minister Matthew Hancock said on the 23 rd that the prevention and control level of COVID-19 epidemic in more areas in the east and southeast of England will be raised to the

A NOSOTROS. permite a Irán transferir dinero para comprar nueva vacuna corona

A NOSOTROS. permite a Irán transferir dinero para comprar nueva vacuna corona

  [Informe de la red mundial] Según Reuters, El gobernador del Banco Central de Irán dijo que estaba bajo presión.! A NOSOTROS. permite a Irán transferir dinero para comprar nueva vacuna corona. Screenshot of Reuters report According to the report, Hemati mentioned that the US Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control had approved an Iranian bank to transfer money

La esposa del secretario de Estado de Estados Unidos, Pompeo, dio positivo por la nueva corona.

La esposa del secretario de Estado de Estados Unidos, Pompeo, dio positivo por la nueva corona.

Pompeo’s wife tested positive for new crown On December 25, Hora de Pekín, according to reports by Bloomberg, La esposa del secretario de Estado de Estados Unidos, Pompeo, dio positivo por la nueva corona., causing Pompeo to be quarantined. Because of close contact with people infected with the new crown virus, Pompeo announced that he was in isolation. And just before that, Pompeo’s wife Susan

The first case of COVID-19 in Antarctica The “only pure land” of the earth fell

The first case of COVID-19 in Antarctica Theonly pure landof the earth fell

It is reported that for several months, hundreds of scientists and researchers from Antarctica have lived on the only continent in the world far away from SARS-CoV-2. But now, thispure landis lost. A Chilean military base in Antarctica confirmed that 36 people were infected with SARS-CoV-2. This means that all the seven continents in the world have outbreaks. …

Portugal discovers that three new coronavirus variants are spreading

Portugal discovers that three new coronavirus variants are spreading

Portugal discovers that three new coronavirus variants are spreading The World Wide Web released that on December 23, a study published by the Portuguese National Institute of Health showed that Portugal discovers that three new coronavirus variants are spreading. Researchers conducted genomic analysis of the new coronavirus samples collected in different periods in Portugal and found that the three new

Mutated viruses are more likely to spread from person to person

Mutated viruses are more likely to spread from person to person

Mutated viruses are more likely to spread from person to person On the 22nd local time, the WHO released information about the mutated new coronavirus in the UK, saying that the mutated viruses are more likely to spread from person to person. Infectivity increased by 40%-70%! The mutated new coronavirus may have spread in the United States The official notification issued


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