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母子ケアセンターの一部の赤ちゃんは、鼻スワブで肺炎と診断されました World Wide Web Source: 瀋陽黄谷食品安全 瀋陽の母子ケアセンターで鼻腔スワブ肺炎に感染した赤ちゃん, 地方都市監督局: のWeChat公式アカウントによると、それは運営を停止しました “瀋陽黄谷食品安全”: …



米国における新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID-19)肺炎はどのようにひどいのか? New COVID-19 pneumonia has become the second leading cause of death in the United States According to a report issued on the 4th by the Institute of Health Indicators and Evaluation of the University of Washington, the new coronary pneumonia has risen to the second leading cause of death in the United

より多い 5.81 million cases of pneumonia in COVID-19, アメリカ合衆国!

より多い 5.81 million cases of pneumonia in COVID-19, アメリカ合衆国!

以上あります 5.81 million cases of pneumonia in COVID-19, アメリカ合衆国. The US CDC said that the close contacts have no symptoms and can be questioned without testing. The US media reported on the 25th local time that the CDC recently revised its guidance on novel coronavirus testing, and people who have been exposed to the virus environment but

  • 私たちに関しては

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