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When it comes to diagnosing respiratory infections, the collection of upper respiratory tract specimens is crucial. Understanding the different types of specimens and their collection methods ensures accurate diagnosis and treatment. Understanding Upper Respiratory Tract Specimen Collection Upper respiratory tract specimens are essential for diagnosing infections such as influenza, COVID-19(新型コロナウイルス感染症, and other viral respiratory diseases. The process involves collecting samples

9 医療診断における検体採取の種類

When it comes to medical diagnostics, accurate specimen collection is crucial. Different types of specimens provide various insights into a patient’s health. ここ, we explore the primary types of specimen collection, including blood specimen, stool specimen, urine specimen, respiratory specimen, CSF and other fluids, wound specimen, genital specimen, ear specimen, and conjunctival specimen. 1. Blood Specimen Collection Blood specimen collection is one of



のどスワブコレクターは、のどスワブ採取スワブとも呼ばれます (1) 目的: 細菌培養またはウイルス分離のために咽頭または扁桃腺から分泌物を収集する, 臨床診断を支援するために, 治療と看護. (2) 使用: フロッキング無菌喉綿棒培養チューブ, アルコールランプ, マッチ, 舌圧子, 必要に応じて懐中電灯. 操作方法(1)) 看護師はそれをチェックします …



It is a common clinical procedure to collect respiratory mucosa surface samples with nasopharyngeal swab, which is used to evaluate whether there are respiratory virus or bacterial infections in adults and children.In the diagnosis of novel coronavirus infection, collecting nasopharyngeal swab for nucleic acid detection is an important examination method. Patients without special contraindications of nasopharyngeal swab collection can be



The purpose of collecting throat swab specimens is to take secretions from pharynx and tonsil for bacterial culture or virus isolation. Steps 1. Check the doctor’s advice, stick the label on the specimen container, and bring the contents to the patient’s bed. 2. Check the patients and explain the purpose and method of taking throat swab culture. 3. Light the

  • 私たちに関しては

    メディカルテクノロジー株式会社, 株式会社. 中国の医療用品の専門メーカーです, ナイロン植毛綿棒の製造・販売を行っております。, VTM キット, 唾液採取キットと CHG スワブ & アプリケーター.

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