“ 博客



為方便國內出行, 中國周三在全國取消大數據行程卡上的星號, 根據工信部. 取消旨在提高國家 COVID-19 流行病控制和預防工作的有效性和效率, 促進社會經濟復甦, 該部說. 之前, travel cards carried


肛拭子一般指肛門拭子檢查方法, 這是一種輔助檢查方法,用於檢查寄生蟲或其他病原體. 那麼肛拭子採樣指南有哪些呢? 1. 將患者置於膝胸位或側臥位. 2. 將無菌棉籤輕輕插入肛門3cm-5cm, 然後輕輕旋轉 …


有超過 70 cases of monkeypox across 18 states in the United States, as of this week. A collaboration between CerTest Biotec and BD seeks to develop a molecular diagnostic test for the Monkeypox virus, according to a BD press release.1 Monkeypox is a rare disease caused by infection with Monkeypox virus. 此外, the Monkeypox virus belongs to

中國發布 COVID-19 消毒程序指南

Chinese health authorities on Tuesday issued a set of disinfection procedures, banning anysimplistic or unmannerlyconduct of disinfectant workers while spraying disinfectant in the homes of coronavirus-infected people. Great attention should be attached to disinfection as the fight against COVID-19 continues, according to a circular issued by the State Council COVID-19 response inter-agency task force. Local health authorities should

上海6月起恢復正常生活和工作 1

SHANGHAI, 可能 31 (路透社) – Shanghai will move into a normalised epidemic-control phase from Wednesday and will allow malls and shops to reopen and people inlow-riskareas to return to work, city officials said on Tuesday. Railways will also resume normal operations and the number of domestic flights to the city will increase, vice mayor Zong Ming told an


There are many disposable virus sampling tubes on the market, but the quality is also uneven. Common quality problems include: sample preservation solution leakage, tube cover damage, sample preservation solution discoloration, label detachment, ETC. The virus sampling tube is a container for sample storage, and its quality problem directly affects the results of nucleic acid detection. 所以, what should we


在核酸檢測中, 收集的標本主要有哪些類型, 以及各自的優點和缺點是什麼? 診斷 COVID-19 病例時可採集多種標本進行實驗室檢測. 可採集上呼吸道樣本: 包括鼻咽拭子, 口咽拭子, 等等。; 也可以採集下呼吸道樣本: …


Shanghai has launched a three-phase COVID-19 epidemic prevention and control plan aimed at restoring production and life to normal by late June, Zong Ming, vice-mayor of Shanghai, said during a press briefing on Monday. The key task of the first phase, which runs from Monday to Saturday, is to continue reducing new infection numbers and preventing rebounds, and to continue

COVID-19 抗原檢測前可以吃橙子或可樂嗎?

最近, 網路上流傳的一段影片: 有人切了一個橘子,榨汁塗在抗原檢測試劑盒上. 不久之後, 一道紫紅色的橫線出現 “T位置”. 有網友將可樂掉在抗原檢測試劑盒上, 和 “T位置” 也改變了顏色. 因此, 有些人得出的結論是 “you can’t eat


雖然普通棉籤和植絨棉籤的功能有很多相似之處,看起來也差不多, 它們的用途不同. 下面通過簡單的實驗來分析為什麼植絨拭子用於核酸採樣和抗原檢測. 而不是普通棉籤? 先準備兩杯水 杯子裡加入藍色染料 有植絨棉籤和普通 …

COVID-19 Omicron 疫苗的試驗正在進行中

中國國藥集團研發的基於Omicron的候選疫苗有望在三到四個月內完成臨床試驗, 公司高層近日表示, 並補充說,如果開發成功,它將把大部分生產能力轉移到升級後的疫苗上. 中國生物技術集團, 國藥控股子公司, was granted permission to conduct human trials of its

國際勞工放假通知’ 天

尊敬的合作夥伴, 請注意國際工人’ 今天是 5 月 1 日。我們的辦公室從 5 月 1 日到 5 月 4 日不開放, 我們將在 5 月 5 日恢復工作. 在此期間無法為您服務,我們深表歉意. 如果您有任何需求,請隨時留言. 祝大家 …

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    醫療技術公司, 有限公司. 是中國醫療用品的專業製造商, 我們生產和銷售尼龍植絨棉籤, VTM套件, 唾液收集套件和 CHG 拭子 & 塗抹器.

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