“ 博客


COVID-19 cases raise fears of winter spread

Nucleic acid tests are conducted in Xi’an, Shaanxi province, on Wednesday. The authorities have strengthened prevention and control measures to halt the spread of the virus. [Photo by Ruan Banhui/for China Daily] Latest clusters, possibly linked to tour group, require urgent action The recent COVID-19 clusters in at least seven provinces and autonomous regions, which are suspected to be related

好消息! MEDICO獲得沙特SFDA證書

好消息! MEDICO獲得沙特SFDA證書

好消息! 最近, 醫療技術公司, 有限公司. 獲得沙特SFDA證書. 該證書涵蓋設計和開發, 製造和銷售一次性病毒採樣套件,包括標本採集拭子, 採樣管和生物危害袋。這是Medico發展過程中的一個重要里程碑, 標誌著Medico Limited已達到國際質量管理體係要求 …

Probe of virusorigins needs collaboration

Open-mindedness in international community essential in tracing work To advance the probe into the origins of the novel coronavirus, top Chinese scientists have recently called for open-mindedness and international collaboration, as well as persistent efforts in screening wild animal specimens and samples of possible early infections. In an article published in The Lancet journal, Chinese researchers stressed that pinpointing a


中國副總理強調在秋冬季節遏制 COVID-19

  一名醫務人員在揚州梅嶺區的 COVID-19 核酸檢測點採集市民的拭子樣本, 華東江蘇省, 八月 14, 2021. [攝/新華社] 北京 — 中國國務院副總理孫春蘭週一呼籲在秋冬季節加強有針對性的病毒控制措施. 太陽, 也是中央政治局委員 …


我們都知道核酸檢測最常用的兩種方法是口咽拭子和鼻咽拭子, 那麼它們之間有什麼區別? 鼻咽拭子和口咽拭子的採樣方法和位置不同鼻咽拭子核酸檢測的準確度通常差不多, 但主要區別在於 …


植絨拭子又可分為鼻咽拭子, 口腔拭子, 婦科拭子, DNA 拭子, 細胞取樣拭子, ETC. 根據不同的目的, 供各實驗室檢測中心和醫院使用. 採樣植絨拭子比傳統纏繞拭子採集樣本和釋放樣本量高出三倍, 並且不會對電池造成損害 …


Disposable virus sampling tube is used for the collection, 樣品的運輸和儲存。也適用於核酸提取和後期分離等樣品. The Usage of Disposable Virus Sampling Tubes Step 1: 根據採樣要求使用採樣拭子採集樣本 (用於無拭子的保存溶液, 用戶可以提供自己匹配的拭子). …

廣州升級疫情防控措施: 所有外來人員集中隔離 21 天

In the early morning of September 25, the Guangzhou COVID-19 Epidemic Prevention and Control Command issued a notice (不. 26) on the implementation of upgrading measures for the prevention and control of the epidemic at the 130th China Import and Export Fair. The full text is as follows. The 130th China Import and Export Fair (hereinafter collectively referred to as

the situation of COVID-19 epidemic in Fujian

Zhang Boli: 福建COVID-19疫情形勢依然嚴峻, 但我相信一個月左右就能控制住

By September 21, 44 new cases had been confirmed in Fujian, and a total of 1,213 cases had been diagnosed. In an interview with Xinjing News Shell Finance, Zhang Boli, the recipient of the national honorary title ofPeople’s Hero”, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and honorary president of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said that the

最佳品質無菌獨立包裝尼龍鼻拭子 – 鼻拭子製造商

深圳市麥迪科科技有限公司, 有限公司. 是一家專業生產一次性植絨鼻拭子的廠家. 我公司向所有消費者承諾一流的產品和最滿意的售後服務. 我們熱烈歡迎我們的新老消費者加入我們 , 我們供應各種類型的一次性無菌鼻咽拭子, 並根據客戶需要確定. 你可以 …

如何使用 MEDICO 無痛唾液採集試劑盒進行 DNA 或 RNA 檢測?

MEDICO Saliva Collection Kit 可直接用於採集, 唾液的儲存和運輸, 和游離的 DNA/RNA (無鈰 DNA/RNA)或其中的病毒樣本可以通過保存液穩定. 可用於分子診斷檢測 , 唾液樣本的病毒檢測或其他體外檢測. 所以, 如何使用 MEDICO 無痛唾液 …

A health worker collects swab sample from a resident for COVID-19 test in Xianyou county

福建新冠肺炎疫情預計10月得到控制, 專家說

A health worker collects swab sample from a resident for COVID-19 test in Xianyou county, Putian city, 中國東部福建省, 九月 12, 2021.[攝/新華社] The novel coronavirus outbreak in Putian, Fujian province, will likely spread to more regions across China, but can be brought under control before the National Day holiday in October with the implementation of strong control measures, …

  • 關於我們

    醫療技術公司, 有限公司. 是中國醫療用品的專業製造商, 我們生產和銷售尼龍植絨棉籤, VTM套件, 唾液收集套件和 CHG 拭子 & 塗抹器.

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