» 行業新聞 » Zhang Boli said that the sequelae of Chinese new crown swab sampling patients are mild



2021 03/06

張伯禮表示,中國新冠拭子採樣患者後遺症較少: 多關心, 減少歧視

Zhang Boli: 與國外相比,中國患者的後遺症相對較輕, 原因仍然未知. 可能是因為我們治療早, 可能是因為我們一般都用中藥等等. 我們希望走得更遠, 使所有患者都能完全康復並恢復到發病前的身體狀態. That’s great!

More care, 減少歧視. This is the appeal of Representative Zhang Boli all the time. He believes that social discrimination is another harm to patients who have recovered from the new coronary pneumonia. New coronary pneumonia patients will no longer infect others after they recover, but they may experience fatigue-prone symptoms at work. Representative Zhang Boli suggested that the whole society reject discrimination and give more care to people who have recovered from the new crown pneumonia.

Zhang Boli: Discrimination is a real phenomenon. Some parents have contracted new coronary pneumonia and their children are discriminated against; some doctors are infected and are removed from their posts after recovery; some units recruit candidates who do not consider recovering. None of these should appear, they should be sympathized when they are sick, and everyone should give more care.

This epidemic has brought a lot of thinking to Representative Zhang Boli. When he was in Wuhan, he wrote in a poem: “The fight against the epidemic is short for three months, and the anti-epidemic is for several years.This means that although the fight against the epidemic has won in a short period of time, it will take several years to analyze the laws and summarize the experience. Representative Zhang Boli believes that China’s victory in the fight against the epidemic has a huge impact on the international scale, and it has made many people see Eastern thinking and wisdom.

Zhang Boli: China has done a good job in fighting the epidemic, the economy has recovered quickly, and our people have strong executive power. In such a good situation, we should sum up our experience even more. I think the indicators of the “14th Five-Year Planare an overall layout, which is forward-looking, 同時更加註重民生. 讓人們有獲得感, 讓人們有幸福感, 更注重生態. 這是人們所期待的.



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