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كيف يجب تطهير مواقع اختبار الحمض النووي?

يمكن أن يؤدي إجراء اختبار الحمض النووي إلى اكتشاف الأشخاص المصابين بالفيروس بسرعة, وهو إجراء استراتيجي مهم للغاية للوقاية من COVID-19 والسيطرة عليه. في نفس الوقت, لا ينبغي إهمال سلامة مواقع اختبار الحمض النووي, وعلينا تعزيز المكافحة والتطهير للوقاية من مخاطر العدوى. التوظيف والحماية يجب تجهيز كل موقع لأخذ العينات …

FDA warns against incorrect use of at-home COVID-19 test requiring nasal swab

Viral social media posts say swabbing your throat will yield a more accurate COVID-19 test. The FDA warns it could be dangerous. AUSTIN, Texas — After a trend on social media, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (ادارة الاغذية والعقاقير) warns about safety concerns in swabbing your throat for an at-home COVID-19 test. Throughout most of the pandemic, many at-home tests required swabbing nostrils

The United States Added More Than 1 Million New Cases of COVID-19 Yesterday

According to Bloomberg News, on January 3, the United States reported more than 1 million new confirmed cases of COVID-19 in a single day. This number created a new global record for single-day COVID-19 in a single country.and the new cases of COVID-19 on January 3 were almost twice as many as the new record set in the United States

COVID-19 Outbreak Developing in Xi’an

  Food couriers bring supplies to social workers at a closed residential community in Xi’an, مقاطعة شانشي, on Saturday. [Photo by YUAN JINGZHI/FOR CHINA DAILY] A citywide lockdown and mass COVID-19 testing in Xi’an, capital of Northwest China’s Shaanxi province, have enabled the city to reduce the risk of transmission, but the local outbreak is still developing, local authorities said

الولايات المتحدة. Drug Administration Approves Emergency Use of the First Oral Covid-19 Antiviral Medicine

Xinhua News Agency, Washington, December 22 (Reporter Tan Jingjing) On the 22nd, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the first oral drug that can be used urgently to treat COVID-19 infections in adults and children aged 12 and older who have mild to moderate COVID-19 illnesses, as well as those at higher risk of severe illness. The US Drug

بيان رسمي بشأن تصدير منتجات شركة ميديكو المقلدة

حديثا, لقد اكتشفنا أن المجرمين ينتجون بشكل غير قانوني, بيع وتصدير منتجات مسحات جمع العينات الخاصة بنا عن طريق تزوير علامتنا التجارية المسجلة والتظاهر كعنوان إنتاجنا. لقد أثرت الأعمال غير القانونية المذكورة أعلاه من المنتجات المقلدة بشكل خطير على سمعتنا, انتهكت حقوقنا ومصالحنا المشروعة, ويشتبه في انتهاك القانون الجنائي. نحن لسنا مسؤولين عن الشراء …

What Are the Advantages of 10-in-1 Mixed Sampling Testing

10 في 1 mixed sampling testing means that after 10 people sampled separately, the samples are put into the same virus sampling tube. This mixed sampling testing mode is suitable for large-scale testing projects and has the advantages of efficient screening and resource saving. So where are its advantages? A virus sampling tube only puts a sample of one person, …

ما هي الأمراض التي يمكن فحصها باستخدام مسحات الحلق?

Since the outbreak of COVID-19, many people have done throat swabs when doing nucleic acid tests, so they have some understanding of throat swabs. لذا, in addition to nucleic acid testing, what other diseases can throat swabs check? What is a throat swab test? Pharyngeal swab examination is a frequently used examination method in respiratory medicine. When the throat of

الصين تخفض سعر اختبار الحمض النووي لـ Covid-19

A staff member deals with nucleic acid testing samples in a PCR (تفاعل البلمرة المتسلسل) مختبر في مقاطعة Xianyou, مقاطعة فوجيان بشرق الصين, سبتمبر 14, 2021. [الصورة / شينخوا] من أجل التحكم في الإنفاق على اختبار وفحص الحمض النووي COVID-19 بمستوى معقول, والسعي للحفاظ على التوازن بين الوقاية من الأوبئة ومكافحتها, النمو الإقتصادي, والحياة الاجتماعية, …

الأسئلة المتداولة حول تعقيم القناع

Workers make medical protective masks at a factory in Nanchang, Jiangxi province. [Photo by Hu Guolin/For China Daily] A video, claiming the sterilization processes of masks leave carcinogens on the products, has raised concerns among the general public last week. لذا, what exactly does happen during mask production? Is it really a cause for concern? 1. What is used to

Who Are Not Suitable for Nucleic Acid Testing?

For some people who are in high-risk areas and who may be infected with the COVID-19, it is very important to do a nucleic acid testing. but it is not suitable to do the testing if there are the following conditions:   1. 30 minutes before taking samples, it is not advisable to do nucleic acid testing for people who

خبراء CDC: لقاح COVID-19 الحالي لا يزال فعالاً ضد فيروس Omicron

The new coronavirus reproduces a new mutant strainOmicron”. As of November 28, South Africa, Israel, بلجيكا, Italy, the United Kingdom, Austria, and Hong Kong, الصين, have monitored the input of this mutant strain. The input of this mutant strain has not been found in other provinces and cities in our country. Many countries have upgraded their anti-epidemic measures to

  • معلومات عنا

    شركة ميديكو للتكنولوجيا, المحدودة. هي شركة متخصصة في تصنيع المستلزمات الطبية في الصين, نقوم بإنتاج وبيع مسحات النايلون المتدفقة, طقم VTM, طقم جمع اللعاب ومسحة CHG & قضيب.

  • اتصل بنا

    عنوان: غرفة 201, 301 و 401 مبنى أ رقم 10, شارع باو لونج الخامس, مجتمع Tongle, شارع باولونج, منطقة لونجانج,شنتشن, قوانغدونغ, الصين.

    الويب: www.medicoswab.com

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    البريد الإلكتروني: info@medicoswab.com