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There Are 164 Asymptomatic Infected Persons In Kashgar

There Are 164 Asymptomatic Infected Persons In Kashgar

There are 164 asymptomatic infected persons in Kashgar, and it is unnecessary for Kashgar personnel not to go to Beijing in the near future. On the evening of the 24th, the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Health and Health Commission reported that on October 24th, 2020, a case of asymptomatic infection with COVID-19 pneumonia was found in Shufu County, Kashi region, …

The latest situation of the novel coronavirus epidemic as of 24: 00 on October 26

The latest situation of the novel coronavirus epidemic as of 24: 00 on October 26

The latest situation of the novel coronavirus epidemic as of 24: 00 on October 26. From 0: 00 إلى 24: 00 on October 26, 31 المقاطعات (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government) and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps reported 16 newly confirmed cases, all of which were imported from overseas (3 cases in Shanghai, 3 cases in

The Kashgar epidemic may be related to the local temperature drop

The Kashgar epidemic may be related to the local temperature drop

On the evening of October 25th, the Press Office of the People’s Government of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region held a press conference on Kashgar epidemic situation, at which it was reported that on October 24th, a case of asymptomatic infection with SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia was reported in Shufu County of Kashgar. The infected person has been living in Shufu County, و …

137 new cases of asymptomatic swabs to detect infections in Kashgar

137 new cases of asymptomatic swabs to detect infections in Kashgar

137 new cases of asymptomatic swabs to detect infections in Kashgar Chengdu Commercial Daily Red Star News Kashgar added 137 asymptomatic swabs to detect infections! Expert: The epidemic may be related to the drop in local temperature On the evening of October 25, the Press Office of the People’s Government of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region held a press conference on

اقترب من جامع مسحة الحلق: لا يهم مدى خطورة ذلك, المضي قدما بشجاعة

اقترب من جامع مسحة الحلق: لا يهم مدى خطورة ذلك, المضي قدما بشجاعة

التشخيص, لا يمكن فصل علاج وإخراج مرضى الالتهاب الرئوي في كوفيد-19 عن اكتشاف الحمض النووي, ويعد جمع مسحة الحلق خطوة أساسية للكشف عن الحمض النووي. عندما يتلقى المرضى جمع مسحة الحلق, يحتاجون إلى فتح أفواههم لكشف الحلق, ومن المحتمل أن تكون غازات الزفير عبارة عن رذاذ وقطرات تحتوي على فيروسات. كما يمكنك …

الولايات المتحدة. Epidemic Shows Trend of Worry

الولايات المتحدة. Epidemic Shows Trend of Worry

الولايات المتحدة. Epidemic Shows Trend of Worry Beijing Daily Client The U.S. Epidemic Shows Trend of Worry, the weekly average of the number of new diagnoses in Michigan on a single day has nearly doubled. single day has nearly doubled. The numbers are developing in the wrong direction. Reuters reported that in the past week, the average number of new

ما الذي نحتاج إلى معرفته عن وسط نقل فيروس DNA/RNA?

ما الذي نحتاج إلى معرفته عن وسط نقل فيروس DNA/RNA?

ملاحظات: 1. يحظر الاتصال المباشر بسائل أخذ العينات مع الموظفين الذين تم جمعهم. 2. يحظر نقع المسحة مع سائل أخذ العينات قبل أخذ العينات. 3. هذا المنتج هو منتج ثانوي, والذي يستخدم فقط للمجموعة, نقل وحفظ عينات الفيروسات السريرية, ولا يجوز استخدامها خارج الاستخدام المقصود. 4. المنتج …

Self-sampling instructions for oral (tongue coating, جسم وغطاء الأنبوب مصنوعان من مادة البولي بروبيلين) samples

Self-sampling instructions for oral (tongue coating, جسم وغطاء الأنبوب مصنوعان من مادة البولي بروبيلين) samples

Self-sampling instructions for oral (tongue coating, جسم وغطاء الأنبوب مصنوعان من مادة البولي بروبيلين) samples At present, it is very popular to collect saliva samples for testing. Saliva sample collection is a method to obtain deoxyribonucleic acid, which will not cause harm or pain to human body. Saliva contains a large number of DNA saliva cells, which can greatly expand the sampling range of genetic research. Collecting

What is the reason for China’s success in fighting the epidemic?

What is the reason for China’s success in fighting the epidemic?

What is the reason for China’s success in fighting the epidemic? في الوقت الحاضر, the world is experiencing a major outbreak and rapid progress. The number of confirmed cases and the fatality rate have greatly increased. Countries around the world should fully learn from China’s experience. The most fundamental reason for the effective control of the national epidemic is the strong

Usage and precautions of DNA saliva collecting device

Usage and precautions of DNA saliva collecting device

Usage and precautions of DNA saliva collecting device (1) rinse your mouth with clear water and keep your mouth clean (2) spit into the collector (3) adding stabilizer and removing funnel. (4) DNA samples in saliva can be stored at room temperature for more than 2 years by tightening the lid and repeatedly inverting it for 5-7 مرات. And maintain

New crown vaccination in Shaoxing Zhejiang

New crown vaccination in Shaoxing Zhejiang

New crown vaccination in Shaoxing, Zhejiang: 200 yuan per shot China Economic Weekly Published: 10-21 Official account of China Economic Weekly magazine, creator in the financial field According to Zhejiang Shaoxing Municipal Health Commission, Zhejiang Shaoxing opens emergency vaccination registration for new crown vaccine: 200 yuan per injection China Economic Weekly-Economic Net News October 20, Zhejiang Shaoxing City Health Commission

Trump calls Dr. Fauci a disaster

Trump calls Dr. Fauci a disaster

Trump calls Dr. Fauci a disaster 2020-10-20 On the 19th local time, [Contradictions intensified in public! Trump called Dr. Fauci adisasterand also called him anidiot”] Fox News released a recording of a phone call by US President Trump. Trump criticized Fauci, an infectious disease expert, as adisaster.Trump said that the American people are tired of

  • معلومات عنا

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