» Branchennachrichten » Naso oropharyngeal swabs are used for the diagnosis of pharyngeal diseases

Naso-Oropharyngealabstriche werden zur Diagnose von Rachenerkrankungen eingesetzt


People’s had normal pharyngeal flora. Pharyngeal bacteria are from the outside world, under normal circumstances will not lead to disease, but when the human body or local resistance to decline and other external factors, it maybe cause infection and other diseases.

Naso-Oropharyngealabstriche werden zur Diagnose von Rachenerkrankungen eingesetzt. The naso oropharyngeal swabs can isolate the pathogens, contribute to the diphtheria, suppurative tonsillitis, acute pharyngitis and other diagnosis.

Visit Medico Nasen-Rachen-Abstriche und Oropharyngeale Abstriche.

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