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What can genetic sampling swabs do for human genetic testing?

What can genetic sampling swabs do for human genetic testing?

Gene detection is a technique that detects DNA by blood, other body fluids, or cells. Genetic testing can diagnose disease and can also be used to predict disease risk. Disease diagnosis uses gene detection technology to detect the mutated genes that cause hereditary diseases. Attualmente, the most widely used gene detection is the detection of neonatal genetic diseases, IL …
how to choose a good saliva DNA collector As a genetic testing company?

how to choose a good saliva DNA collector As a genetic testing company?

How to judge is a good saliva collector? Mainly four aspects: 1 ) stabilityWe added a saliva stabilizer to the saliva collector, and the formula is inconvenient to disclose. Stability test period, stable for one year, can be compared experimentally 2 ) that amount of DNA extract from the provided fix sample 3 ) that simplicity of the operation method
Specimen Collection dry flocked Swab in Tubes

Specimen Collection dry flocked Swab in Tubes

Specimen Collection dry flocked Swab Specimen Collection swab is divided into dry flocked swab and wet flocked swab compositionPlastic applicator,Sterile swabs in a dry tube Dry flocked swabs for mold or bacteria testing 1 Wear suitable gloves 2 Remove the swab from the tube (if using a swab with a wetting agent, remove most of it from both sides
sterile germ swab testing kit

sterile germ swab testing kit

sterile germ swab testing kit germ swab testing kit includes one sampling swab + one test tube + soluzione di conservazione delle cellule,Our ready-to-use kits for monitoring of difficult to reach areas. Our Sampling swabs and Swab Test Kit simplify routine microbiological analysis of surfaces for bioburden levels of bacteria, yeast, or mold. This technique eliminates the cumbersome and expensive hardware
Medical product chlorhexidine swab sticks

Medical product chlorhexidine swab sticks

chlorhexidine swab sticks A mixed disinfectant of gluconic acid and isopropanol is made up of medical isopropanol, chlorhexidine gluconate solution and water injection. The weight of medical isopropanol is 65% A 75%, the weight of chlorhexidine solution is 2% – 3%, and the rest is for injection. It can be used as a hospital daily medical disinfectant, used for cleaning
flocked swabs definition

flocked swabs definition

what is flocked swab ? Medico® flocked swabs feature perpendicular nylon fibers that optimize specimen collection and elution into transport media. The flocked swabs also feature a molded breakpoint that allows you to safely and easily break off the swabstick, and several breakpoint options are available for different tubes. flocked swabs definition: Nylon flocking swabs are widely used for bacteriological sample
Oral sampling swabs, tamponi nasofaringei, tamponi nasali

Oral sampling swabs, tamponi nasofaringei, tamponi nasali

Oral swab sample method Oral sampling swabs, tamponi nasofaringei, nasal swabs When you do a paternity test, we recommend that you prefer a Oral swab sample because it is a non-invasive sampling method and is suitable for people of all ages. Sample preparation for buccal swab preparations: medical oral sampling swabs (a flocked swab), clean paper envelope. 1, holding a Oral
Disposable antiseptic sponge applicator

Disposable antiseptic sponge applicator

antiseptic sponge applicator The CHG antiseptic sponge applicator MSS707 and MS708 series developed and produced by Medico are mainly composed of sponge head plastic rods + solution (2% CHG + 70% IPA). swabs head are sponge, fiber, absorbent foam, and polyester. They should be soft and elastic white. No spots, stains and foreign objects. Odorless and tasteless. swabs head are
Fabbrica di tamponi per campionamento orale medico

Fabbrica di tamponi per campionamento orale medico

A new type of medical sampling swab Medico oral sampling swab is a new type of medical sampling swab, using international advanced technology, innovative nylon fiber technology combined with high-tech spray technology. The patient’s pain will not be generated during the collection and the comfort of the patient will be improved. In particular, contact with sensitive parts of the body
Tampone per prelievo intestinale rettale

Tampone per prelievo intestinale rettale

Rectal intestinal sampling swab The health of the rectum affects a person’s daily life, quindi è molto importante utilizzare un tampone di campionamento rettale per il campionamento medico! Considerazioni sul campionamento rettale (l) Prima dell'esame, la presenza di perforazione anale, ragade anale, e la fistola anale dovrebbe essere osservata. (2) Il tampone di campionamento rettale può toccare il nodulo, fingertip blood or
Tampone di campionamento del gregge di laboratorio di microbiologia clinica

Tampone di campionamento del gregge di laboratorio di microbiologia clinica

Microbial Surface Sampling In medicine, many diseases must be researched on DNA extraction of microorganisms. Perciò, the production of flocking swabs for clinical medicine must be performed with due diligence to ensure effective test results! Medico® microbiological sampling swab are widely used in medical experiments. Last week, a research institute that did a human gene database found us to cooperate with
Cos'è un tampone floccato?

Cos'è un tampone floccato?

Flocked swab Sample flocking swabs consist of nylon staple fluff and medical grade ABS plastic rods. La fibra in fiocco di nylon agisce come una spazzola morbida, che può migliorare efficacemente la raccolta di materiali cellulari; il movimento capillare tra le fibre forma una forte pressione idraulica, che ingerisce il campione liquido; allo stesso tempo, the sample closely adheres to the surface

    Medico Technology Co., srl. è un produttore professionale di forniture mediche in Cina, produciamo e vendiamo tamponi floccati in nylon, Kit VTM, kit per la raccolta della saliva e tampone CHG & applicatore.


    Indirizzo: Camera 201, 301 E 401 Edificio A n.10, Bao lunga quinta strada, Comunità Tongle, Balong Street, Distretto di Longgang,Shenzhen, Guangdong, Cina.

    ragnatela: www.medicoswab.com

    Numero di telefono: +86 0755-28997664

    E-mail: info@medicoswab.com