» Notizie dall'azienda » Are the results of oral swab sampling the same as blood sampling?

Are the results of oral swab sampling the same as blood sampling?


Are the results of oral swab sampling the same as blood sampling?

The specific steps of oral swab collection:
1. Prepare a medical cotton swab (single head), extend into the mouth cavity, and wipe the mucous membranes of the cheeks inside the mouth (inside the cheek) for more than 20 volte, take out the cotton swab, and dry it on a clean white paper.
2. Collect 5 cotton swabs in the same way. Store in a clean paper envelope after cool and dry
3. Please don’t forget to mark the sample. Don’t make physical contact with other people.

The samples collected by the above methods can be stored in a dry environment for 2-3 mesi.

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