» Notizie del settore » Swab Applicators Use for Patient Preoperative

Applicatori di tamponi da utilizzare nella fase preoperatoria del paziente


Swab applicators use for patient preoperative skin preparation. Which contain 2% CHG e 70% alcool isopropilico (IPA).

While the CHG Swab applicators in the solution works by destroying the bacterial cell membrane and precipitating cell contents, while IPA denatures cell proteins.
CHG also binds to the skin and retains antimicrobial activity in the presence of blood and other organic material.
Medico is a brand that offers CHG skin prep solutions, which are available in six unique applicators designed for the right amount of solution for the right procedural area.

Swab applicators Swab applicators

Use FAQs

Is CHG Swab applicators safe in all procedures?

CHG Swab applicators for external use only.
Can not use in premature babies or babies 2 months old.
These products may cause allergies or chemical burns.

Because the efficacy of CHG skin prep solutions significantly affect by the excipients present.

So trials demonstrating the activity of one formulation cannot use as evidence for the efficacy of another.
Tuttavia, CHG skin prep solutions shown to significantly reduce the number of microorganisms on intact skin and help reduce bacteria that potentially can cause skin infection.


CHG persistence has demonstrated in two alcoholic preoperative skin preparation solutions.

Other skin prep solutions that are available include povidone-iodine (PVP-I) and chloroxylenol (PCMX).
PVP-I is a broad-spectrum antiseptic that works by releasing iodine, which destroys microbial cells by iodination of the amino acids and unsaturated fatty acids.
PCMX is a bisphenol antiseptic that works by disrupting the cell membrane and causing leakage of intracellular contents.


CHG prep swabs sticks & applicators in the following cases should not use:

1 Pazienti allergici alla clorexidina gluconato o all'isopropanolo.
2 Puntura lombare o alle meningi
3 Aprire la ferita cutanea o come detergente generale per la pelle.
4 Intorno o intorno agli occhi, orecchie, e bocca. It can cause serious or permanent damage if allowed to enter and be held.


Because the solution contains alcohol and releases flammable vapors, allow it to dry on the lint-free skin for three minutes.
Do not overhang or use a source of ignition (dry for at least 3 minutes on hairless skin, hair for up to 1 ora) with the suspension liquid is completely dry
Avoid dissolving hair into hairs because wet hair is flammable.
Hair may take an hour to dry.
Shorten the applicator drying time.
Do not let the solution concentrate.
Remove any wet materials, drapes and robes before using a source of ignition.
Each time you prepare your neck, place towels on both sides to absorb excess solution and remove.

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    Medico Technology Co., srl. è un produttore professionale di forniture mediche in Cina, produciamo e vendiamo tamponi floccati in nylon, Kit VTM, kit per la raccolta della saliva e tampone CHG & applicatore.


    Indirizzo: Camera 201, 301 E 401 Edificio A n.10, Bao lunga quinta strada, Comunità Tongle, Balong Street, Distretto di Longgang,Shenzhen, Guangdong, Cina.

    ragnatela: www.medicoswab.com

    Numero di telefono: +86 0755-28997664

    E-mail: info@medicoswab.com