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Precautions for nasopharyngeal swab sampling

Precautions for nasopharyngeal swab sampling

Nasopharyngeal swabs are mainly used for nasal and throat sampling of respiratory and intestinal viruses such as influenza, influenza suina, influenza aviaria, mano, piede e bocca, eccetera. When using nasopharyngeal sampling swabs, attention should be paid to the following precautions, otherwise it will not only affect the accuracy of sampling, but also cause serious injury to the taker. Preparation before

nasopharyngeal swab sampling robot

The world’s first fully automatic nasopharyngeal swab sampling robot was unveiled at the CIFTIS 2021

Recentemente, at The China International Fair for Trade in Services 2021, the world’s first fully automated nasopharyngeal swab sampling robot was exhibited and attracted the attention of many visitors. According to reports, the robot realizes a fully automatic work process of grasping, calibrating, collecting and killing. It uses face recognition to find the position of the nostril, and then puts


    Medico Technology Co., srl. è un produttore professionale di forniture mediche in Cina, produciamo e vendiamo tamponi floccati in nylon, Kit VTM, kit per la raccolta della saliva e tampone CHG & applicatore.


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