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Provetta per prelievo di sangue sottovuoto ESR

MEIDIKE GENE® ESR blood collection tubes are primarily used for the measurement of the erythrocyte sedimentation rate, which is a nonspecific indicator of inflammation in the body. This test is commonly employed in the diagnosis and monitoring of various inflammatory conditions, including infections, autoimmune diseases, and certain cancers. The sodium citrate solution is added to the blood collecting tube for

Provetta per prelievo di sangue sottovuoto K2/K3 EDTA

MEIDIKE GENE ® K2/K3 EDTA Vacuum Blood Collection Tubes are usually used for the collection and storage of blood specimens for routine blood tests and whole blood tests, applicable to various blood cell analyzer. It contains an anticoagulant called ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) in either K2 or K3 form, which prevents blood clotting by binding calcium ions. Parametri del prodotto Nome del prodotto …


    Medico Technology Co., srl. è un produttore professionale di forniture mediche in Cina, produciamo e vendiamo tamponi floccati in nylon, Kit VTM, kit per la raccolta della saliva e tampone CHG & applicatore.


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