» Notícias da indústria » What Are the Benefits of Choosing an Oropharyngeal Swab for DNA Testing

Quais são os benefícios de escolher um esfregaço orofaríngeo para testes de DNA


The standard method of sample collection for many of our DNA tests is through an oropharyngeal swab. Este é o método padrão de coleta de amostras na indústria, pois a coleta de DNA é rápida, indolor e fácil.

What Are the Benefits of Choosing an Oropharyngeal Swab for Dna Testing

Aqui estão 5 benefícios de escolher um esfregaço orofaríngeo para testes de DNA:

1. Convenient and simple
Using a swab is so easy that anybody can collect DNA.

2. Easy to transport
Swab samples are very easy to be locked in sealed pouches and transported. Swabs often come in dry transport systems.

3. Painless sample collection.
A buccal swab is painless. It just feels like a soft brush on the side of your cheek.

4. It is widely available
The newest technology is adept at detecting DNA using these swabs. There is hardly any work required and that makes the whole process extremely fast, even for the lab staff.

5. Swabs are as accurate as blood
Epithelial cells contain exactly the same DNA as blood cells.In other words, these swab tests are more than 99.9% accurate, which is the same in case of blood samples as well.

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    Medico Technology Co., Ltda. é um fabricante profissional de suprimentos médicos na China, produzimos e vendemos zaragatoas flocadas de nylon, Kit VTM, kit de coleta de saliva e swab CHG & aplicador.


    Endereço: Sala 201, 301 e 401 Edifício A nº 10, Bao long 5th Road, Comunidade Tongle, Rua Baolong, Distrito de Longgang,Shenzhen, guangdong, China.

    Rede: www.medicoswab.com

    Número de telefone: +86 0755-28997664

    E-mail: info@medicoswab.com