» Notícias da indústria » What Should I Pay Attention to when Doing Nucleic Acid Testing?

O que devo prestar atenção ao fazer o teste de ácido nucleico?


Nucleic Acid Testing

1. To avoid vomiting, não coma 2 hours before sampling

2. To avoid affecting the test results, 30 minutos antes da amostragem, do not smoke, drink or chew gum

3. On the way to the nucleic acid test, wear a medical mask and try not to take public transportation

4. Keep a safe distance of more than 1 meter in line, do not talk to others, do not gather

5. To avoid the risk of cross-infection, all testers must wear máscaras, and it is best to prepare a spare mask

6. During the detection process, do not touch the related items at the collection point with your hands

7. Reduce swallowing and throat clearing when you will be examined

8. Após a coleta, leave the collection site immediately to avoid spitting and vomiting around the collection site

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