» Новости отрасли » How to Collect Adenovirus Specimens Safely and Effectively

Как безопасно и эффективно собирать образцы аденовируса


Аденовирусы – это группа распространенных вирусов, которые могут вызывать различные заболевания., включая респираторные и желудочно-кишечные инфекции. Сбор образцов для тестирования на аденовирус имеет решающее значение для точной диагностики и эффективного лечения.. В этой статье, мы обсудим безопасные и эффективные методы сбора образцов аденовируса, обеспечение благополучия как медицинских работников, так и пациентов.

Подготовка к сбору образцов:

Before collecting adenovirus specimens, it is essential to gather the necessary equipment and maintain proper hygiene. Follow these steps:

1. Wear appropriate personal protective equipment (СИЗ): Put on disposable gloves, a gown, and a face mask to protect yourself from potential exposure.

2. Gather supplies: Collect sterile swabs, viral transport media tubes, and biohazard bags for proper specimen storage and transportation.

3. Гигиена рук: Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer before and after each collection.

Specimen Collection Procedure

Adenovirus specimens can be collected through various methods, including nasal swabs, мазки из горла, fecal specimens, and eye swabs, depending on the specific symptoms and suspected site of infection.

1. Nasopharyngeal Specimen Collection

For respiratory adenovirus infections, а мазок из носоглотки is commonly used. To collect the specimen safely and effectively, Следуй этим шагам:

а. Gently insert a flexible, sterile swab into the nostril until resistance is met at the nasopharynx.
б. Rotate the swab several times to obtain an adequate sample.
с. Carefully remove the swab without touching any other surfaces or objects.
г. Place the swab into a sterile tube containing a viral transport medium, ensuring it is properly sealed.

2. Throat Specimen Collection

In cases where a nasopharyngeal swab is not feasible, а мазок из горла can be used to collect adenovirus specimens. The following guidelines should be followed:

а. Tilt the patient’s head back slightly and ask them to open their mouth wide.
б. With a sterile swab, gently swipe the back of the throat, targeting the tonsils and any visible lesions.
с. Избегайте прикосновения к языку, зубы, or cheeks.
г. Place the swab into a sterile tube containing a viral transport medium, ensuring proper sealing.


3. Eye Specimen Collection

For ocular adenovirus infections, conjunctival swabs are employed. Here’s how to collect the specimen safely:

а. Wash your hands and put on sterile gloves.
б. Gently roll a sterile swab over the conjunctiva of the affected eye, avoiding direct contact with the cornea.
с. Place the swab into a sterile tube containing a viral transport medium, ensuring proper sealing.

4. Post-collection Precautions

After completing the specimen collection, it is essential to observe proper disposal and hygiene practices:

а. Remove PPE: Safely remove and dispose of all PPE following the recommended guidelines.
б. Гигиена рук: Thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
с. Clean the collection area: Disinfect any surfaces or equipment used during the procedure to prevent cross-contamination.



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