» 行業新聞 » 朋友運送媒介: 微生物樣本採集和運輸的可靠工具

朋友運輸媒介: 微生物樣本採集和運輸的可靠工具


在微生物學領域, 準確可靠的樣本收集和運輸對於保持樣本的完整性和確保準確的實驗室結果至關重要. 朋友運輸媒介 (自動提款機) 是一種廣泛使用且高效的工具,為運輸過程中各種微生物的生存和生長提供最佳環境. 本文將探討其組成, 好處, and applications of Amies Transport Medium in microbiology.

MEIDIKE GENE Amies Transport Medium


Amies Transport Medium is a specialized culture medium designed to maintain the viability of microorganisms during transportation. It consists of several key components:

1. Charcoal: Charcoal acts as a detoxifying agent, neutralizing any inhibitory substances present in the specimen and preventing their detrimental effects on bacterial growth.

2. Sodium chloride: Sodium chloride helps maintain osmotic balance and prevents desiccation, ensuring the survival of microorganisms.

3. 瓊脂: Agar is added to solidify the medium, allowing for easy handling and transportation without the risk of leakage.

4. Peptone: Peptone provides essential nutrients for bacterial growth and replication.

5. pH indicator: A pH indicator, such as phenol red, is included to monitor pH changes, which can indicate bacterial metabolism and growth.

6. Calcium chloride: Calcium chloride acts as a stabilizer, preventing pH changes and maintaining the integrity of the medium.


Benefits and Applications:

1. 標本採集: Amies Transport Medium is commonly used for collecting samples from various sites, including the respiratory tract, genital tract, 傷口, and skin surfaces. It ensures the survival of microorganisms during transit to the laboratory, allowing for accurate analysis and diagnosis.

2. Bacterial Preservation: The unique composition of ATM helps preserve the viability of microorganisms, even during extended transit periods. This is particularly important when transporting samples to distant laboratories or in cases where immediate analysis is not possible.

3. 多功能性: Amies Transport Medium can be used for a wide range of microorganisms, 包括細菌, 病毒, 和真菌. It provides an optimal environment for the survival of these microorganisms, allowing for accurate identification and susceptibility testing.

4. 穩定: Amies Transport Medium remains stable at room temperature, eliminating the need for refrigeration during transportation. This convenience makes it a preferred choice for laboratories and healthcare facilities, especially in resource-limited settings.

5. 兼容性: ATM is compatible with various diagnostic techniques, such as culture, microscopy, and molecular testing. It allows for the isolation and identification of pathogens, aiding in the diagnosis of infectious diseases.


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