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Sexually transmitted disease test swab Sexually transmitted diseases are common and must be diagnosed and treated as soon as possible. 他們之中, 淋病是最常見的性傳播疾病. 診斷基於疾病的症狀以及原始感染史. It is also necessary to extract secretions from infected persons
口腔拭子 DNA 樣本採集

口腔拭子 DNA 樣本採集

DNA sample collection tool Buccal swab DNA samples collected can be quickly and efficiently extracted oral epithelial cells for the forensic science DNA testing and DNA database construction provides a standardized standard, 便於使用, 低成本高效的DNA樣本採集工具,提高檢測成功率. Medico® oral buccal swab is an important tool for DNA sample collection


Linchuan significance Pharynx swab are made with medical swabs, dipping a small amount of secretions from the throat of the human body. The samples taken are throat swabs. In order to test the types of respiratory diseases, throat swabs can be used to detect the virus type quickly and accurately. Pharynx swab secretions were detected in pathogens, then as respiratory


Discussion on Bacterial oral swab study There are many kinds of bacteria in the mouth of the human body. 口腔區的正常菌群對維持宿主的正常正常功能起著一定的作用. 然而, 當宿主的一般抵抗力和局部免疫力低下時,正常菌群中的一些細菌也會引起疾病. …


surface sampling Surface sampling occurs when outbreaks of nosocomial infections 1 採樣時間選擇消毒採樣後​​4H內 2 配5cm×5cm標準滅菌規格盤, 在被檢物的表面, 要求面積≥100cm2, 連續取樣 4. 3 浸有消毒液的採樣拭子 0.9% 氯化鈉 (氯化鈉) 樣品溶液來回擦拭 …


chlorhexidine alcohol disinfection swab US researchers to complete the study of the role of chlorhexidine alcohol and povidone-iodine in surgical incision disinfection completed a study published in NEnglJMed magazine Research object: 六家醫院的 89 名患者隨機接受清潔手術和污染手術,根據接受的消毒劑類型分為兩組: 洗必太醇 (/ 1 = …


DNA extraction method In the criminal cases, the majority of theft cases have the characteristics of high incidence and low detection rate, and the anti-reconnaissance consciousness of criminals is gradually increasing. At times of committing crimes, shoe covers, gloves and headgear are often used to bring about some difficulties in field evidence collection . For cases of theft on balconies, …
Preoperative chlorhexidine disinfection to prevent infection

Preoperative chlorhexidine disinfection to prevent infection

Dextrose Chlorhexidine Skin Disinfection Surgery will inevitably bring the operation site skin and tissue damage, when the surgical incision microbial contamination to a certain extent, the occurrence of surgical site infection occurs SSI not only affect the effectiveness of disease treatment, increase patient pain and financial burden, but also serious Affect the patient’s prognosis. Neurosurgery is one of the high
Throat swabs can be used for sampling bacterial contamination monitoring equipment

Throat swabs can be used for sampling bacterial contamination monitoring equipment

Throat swabs can be used for sampling bacterial contamination monitoring equipment Bacteria are widespread in the environment, and medical equipment is no exception. In order to reduce the nosocomial infection, need to monitor the pollution of equipment and instruments, but also need to monitor the effectiveness of disinfection and sterilization equipment. Correct sampling is to ensure that the monitoring results


Study on Extraction of Trace Biomarkers from Different Vectors by Flocking Swabs and Cotton Swabs Objective To compare the effect of the Medico flocking Swabs and cotton swab on extracting trace DNA . Methods Three kinds of pre—decontaminated carriersglassscrewdriver and drawer’S handlewere used to contact volunteers’hands and 9 pairs of samples of human trace DNA (fi ngerprints on glassexfoliated cells


cell sampling swab New medical disposable cell sampling swab, 特別適用於病理取樣. 實際上, 普通棉籤也用於採集標本病原體部分的上皮細胞, 進而用於細菌病理學和病原體檢測分析, 但普通棉籤頭牢度較差, 容易脫落, 殺菌也很麻煩, …


Clinical study mycoplasma pneumonia quick throat swab culture At present, the detection of Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection mainly P C R detection of Mycoplasma pneumoniae D N A, serum IgM antibody detection, rapid throat swab Mycoplasma culture. P C R detection Mycoplasma pneumoniae D N A diagnosis of fast, sensitive, high specificity, can be used for early diagnosis, but this method
  • 關於我們

    醫療技術公司, 有限公司. 是中國醫療用品的專業製造商, 我們生產和銷售尼龍植絨棉籤, VTM套件, 唾液收集套件和 CHG 拭子 & 塗抹器.

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    地址: 房間 201, 301 和 401 A座10號, 寶龍五路, 同樂社區, 寶龍街, 龍崗區,深圳, 粵, 中國.

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