» 公司新聞 » Hospital purchasing flu swab manufacturers



Packaging instructions for nasopharyngeal swabs:
一: Use nasal sampling swab 50 指示
1. Estimate the volume of this product needed to completely immerse the sample (1g組織需要10mL).
2. 標記收集管並加入本產品的估計量.
3. Cut the sample into pieces with a thickness less than 0.5cm at the fastest speed.
4. Completely immerse the tissue pieces in the product in the collection tube.
5. Store the collection tube in a place with a proper temperature. The storage time cannot exceed the maximum storage time at that temperature. If you want to store it at -20°C or -80°C, you need to place the sample at 4°C overnight before transferring to The final temperature. 筆記: Before transferring the sample to -20°C or -80°C, the protection solution needs to be discarded. The relationship between common storage temperature and its maximum storage time is as follows:
6. Remove the sample from the storage place (samples stored at -20°C or -80°C must be thawed at room temperature), and use sterile forceps to remove the tissue fragments from the protective solution.
7. Immediately start RNA extraction or other processing (such as dividing the sample into smaller pieces and then resaving them). 筆記: The sample can be repeatedly frozen and thawed twenty times without affecting its RNA quality.

1. It is not recommended to culture nasopharyngeal swabs for common bacteria, 除特殊細菌外, 例如百日咳博德氏菌和腦膜炎奈瑟菌.
2. 如果您懷疑百日咳博德氏菌感染, 需要提前通知實驗室準備特殊的轉移介質 (雷根-洛). 當條件允許時, 可提供接種培養基, 直的
3. 床邊接種後轉移至實驗室.
4. Nasopharyngeal swabs cannot be used to detect the pathogens of sinusitis.

fllu swab fllu swab


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