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中國有 13 可用於第二助推器的 COVID-19 疫苗

北京 — 總共 13 COVID-19 疫苗的類型, 批准有條件上市或緊急使用, 現在可以在中國作為第二劑加強劑, 據國務院機構間 COVID-19 應對工作組的專家稱. 在選擇第二劑加強劑時首選 Omicron 抗性疫苗, 國務院聯防聯控機制專家表示 …


中國適時優化了 COVID-19 應對措施, 在 Omicron 變異死亡率降低和國家醫療保健系統準備工作加強的情況下, 專家週末表示. 他們警告說,該國將面臨 “COVID-19 感染浪潮” 整個冬天, 但補充說,疫情總體可控,回歸 …

流感和 COVID-19 有什麼區別?

流感 (流感) 和 COVID-19 都是傳染性呼吸道疾病, 但它們是由不同的病毒引起的. 新冠肺炎 (新冠病毒) 和流感有很多相同點和不同點. 真正診斷您是否患有流感或 COVID-19 的唯一方法是通過測試. 但了解每種症狀可以幫助您確定下一步該做什麼. 以下, 我們提供 …

中國發布關於進一步優化 COVID-19 響應的通知

北京 — China released a circular on further optimizing the COVID-19 response on Wednesday, announcing 10 prevention and control measures. The measures were introduced based on the latest epidemic situation and mutation of the virus to contain the epidemic in a more science-based and targeted manner, according to the circular issued by the State Council joint prevention and control mechanism


如果您與患有衣原體和/或淋病中的一種或兩種感染的人進行過肛交,那麼您的直腸或肛門可能患有衣原體和/或淋病感染,並且直腸拭子可以檢測衣原體和淋病. 這是有關如何收集樣本的分步指南 1 打開之前先洗手並擦乾 …

中國的 COVID-19 戰略得到優化

當局將加速取消近期 Omicron 引發的疫情爆發後實施不必要的限制,以減少疾病控制策略’ 經濟影響和其他後果 “不便之處”, 一位高級衛生官員週二表示, 在民眾對遏制政策執行扭曲的不滿情緒高漲之際. National Health Commission spokesman Mi Feng said local governments are racing to

哪些 COVID-19 症狀不是由過敏引起的?

COVID-19 and allergies share some similar symptoms, but there are indicators of COVID-19 that are distinct and highly unlikely to be caused by allergies. Fever and shortness of breath are serious symptoms of COVID-19 that are rarely related to allergies. One study reported that 98% of participants with COVID-19 had a fever, 和 55% experienced shortness of breath. Here are


性病是由細菌引起的, 病毒, 或寄生蟲. 常見的性病包括衣原體, 淋病, 生殖器皰疹, 艾滋病病毒, 和HPV (人乳頭狀瘤病毒) 感染. 性病檢測可以幫助您得到診斷和治療,從而避免嚴重的並發症. 性病檢測是指檢測感染的幾種不同方法, 比如驗血, 陰道分泌物檢查, 大便試驗, 和腹腔鏡. 每種類型 …

什麼是 RT-PCR 測試?

RT-PCR Test 即實時逆轉錄聚合酶鏈反應檢測. RT-PCR 檢測程序用於檢測 COVID-19 確診患者的鼻咽或口咽拭子標本中的 SARS-CoV-2 核酸. 這是通過利用熒光監測擴增反應來實現的, 一種稱為定量 PCR 的技術 (定量PCR). 它允許專業人員立即審查 …

中國進一步優化 COVID-19 防控措施

China will cut COVID-19 quarantine period for incoming travelers from 10 至 8 天, cancel the circuit breaker for inbound flights and no longer determine secondary close contacts of confirmed cases, health authorities said on Friday. Categories of COVID-risk areas will be adjusted to high and low, from the old tertiary standards of high, medium and low, according to a


皮質醇是最豐富的循環類固醇和腎上腺皮質分泌的主要糖皮質激素. 它幫助身體使用糖分 (葡萄糖) 脂肪作為能量 (代謝). 它還可以幫助身體控制壓力. 皮質醇測試有助於診斷庫欣綜合徵, 原發性和繼發性腎上腺功能不全以及腎上腺和垂體的其他功能障礙. 以下是 …


北京 — Some China-based researchers have recently developed three rapid testing methods for monkeypox virus (MPXV) that can provide the result in 20 至 30 minutes and are significantly faster than the traditional quantitative real-time PCR (聚合酶鏈反應) method. Quantitative real-time PCR is currently the gold standard for MPXV diagnostics, but it requires trained laboratory personnel and specialized equipment, …
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