» 公司新聞 » Medico oral swab (MFS-98000KQ) DNA口腔植絨採樣拭子

醫用口腔拭子 (MFS-98000KQ) DNA口腔植絨採樣拭子


醫用口腔拭子 (MFS-98000KQ) DNA口腔植絨採樣拭子, 基因採樣拭子和一次性採樣拭子廣泛應用於細菌樣本處理, 病毒學細胞培養, DFA測試, 快速直接測試, 酶聯免疫試驗, 基於分子診斷的聚合酶鏈反應和檢測.


尼龍植絨採樣拭子用途廣泛, which is ideal for bacteriological sample processing, 基因取樣, 病毒學細胞培養, DFA測試, 快速直接測試, 酶聯免疫試驗, 基於聚合酶鏈反應和分子診斷的測試, 和法醫鑑定. 也可用於流感等呼吸道病毒的咽喉採樣, 豬流感, 禽流感和手, 腳和嘴.

Sampling method of throat swab: (受到推崇的)

(1) to assist patients to take appropriate posture, rinse with water;

(2) Ask the patient to tilt his head slightly, open his mouth and make an “啊” 聲音, 然後快速擦拭兩個腭弓, 咽和扁桃體;

(3) Immerse the cotton swab head into the sampling solution, contact the pipe wall several times to keep as many samples as possible in the sampling solution, discard the cotton swab, clamp the tail, and close the plug.

How soon can the results come out?

Because the number of detection institutions and the number of nucleic acid samples in each region are different, the time for displaying nucleic acid detection results is also different. 通常, the results will be announced within 24-48 小時. If the unit has a testing institution in the fastest time, the patients admitted to the emergency department can display the emergency results within 4-6 小時. 現在, nucleic acid detection has a wide range, which is mainly used to screen asymptomatic infected people, and also used to screen ordinary people who return to work, 復工復產返校. 現在, 核酸檢測仍是新型冠狀病毒肺炎確診的重要依據. 所以, if suspicious patients have contact history or epidemiological history, 發熱, 疲勞和其他症狀, they must go to the fever clinic of the designated hospital for nucleic acid detection.



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    醫療技術公司, 有限公司. 是中國醫療用品的專業製造商, 我們生產和銷售尼龍植絨棉籤, VTM套件, 唾液收集套件和 CHG 拭子 & 塗抹器.

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