» 公司新聞 » National Health And Health Commission: 17 New Confirmed Cases Were Reported Yesterday

National Health And Health Commission: 17 New Confirmed Cases Were Reported Yesterday


從 0: 00 至 24: 00 on December 14, 31 省份 (自治區、直轄市) 新疆生產建設兵團報導 17 newly confirmed cases, 包括 14 輸入病例 (5 in Sichuan, 4 in Inner Mongolia, 3 在上海, 1 in Beijing and 1 in Guangdong), 和 3 本地案例 (2 in Heilongjiang and 1 in Sichuan). 沒有新的死亡; There are no new suspected cases. 在那一天, 18 新增病例治愈出院, 1134 密切接觸者已解除醫學觀察, and severe cases were the same as the previous day. 262 確診病例 (包括 5 嚴重病例) 和 2 suspected cases were imported from overseas. 總共 4049 確診病例, 和 3787 無死亡病例治愈出院. 作為 24: 00 on December 14, 據報導 31 省份 (自治區、直轄市) 和新疆生產建設兵團, 有 312 確診病例 (包括 7 嚴重病例), 和 81,812 cured and discharged cases, 4,634 dead cases, 86,758 確診病例和 2 疑似病例. 總共 888,359 close contacts were tracked and 6,852 密切接觸者仍在接受醫學觀察. 31 省份 (自治區、直轄市) 新疆生產建設兵團報導 8 new asymptomatic infected people (all imported from abroad); 3 同日確診病例 (2 病例是從國外輸入的); 在同一天, 6 病例解除醫學觀察 (all imported from abroad); 有 196 正在接受醫學觀察的無症狀感染者 (183 從國外進口). 總共 8409 確診病例來自香港, 澳門和台灣. 他們之中, 有 7623 香港特別行政區的個案 (6266 案件出院和 120 病例死亡), 46 澳門特別行政區個案 (46 案件出院) 和 740 cases in Taiwan (606 案件出院和 7 病例死亡).

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