» 公司新聞 » Is It Really Safe To Clean The Wound With Cotton Swabs?



用棉花棒清潔傷口真的安全嗎? 你應該做這個.

在日常生活中, 很多人都會從藥局或超市買一些棉花棒放在家裡以備不時之需. 很多人以為輕傷用棉花棒就可以擦拭, but can these cotton swabs really be used to wipe and treat wounds? What should I do if there is trauma?

The main component of medical alcohol is ethanol. 在日常生活中, it is common for some people to scrub wounds with medical alcohol to achieve the purpose of sterilization and disinfection.

The reason why 75% alcohol can disinfect is that it has great penetrability and can penetrate into bacteria to coagulate bacterial proteins, thus killing bacteria. If the concentration of alcohol is too high, the protein on the surface of bacteria will solidify, resulting in the formation of a hard membrane, which can protect bacteria and prevent further infiltration of alcohol. 所以, the disinfection effect of concentrated alcohol is not as good as that of dilute alcohol.

Medical alcohol disinfection cotton swab, this soaked medical alcohol with about 75% of ingredients, can be used for general wound disinfection.

Disinfection and sterilization of shallow skin wounds such as small skin glue damage, abrasions, cuts and burns.

Disinfection products introduced: There are chlorhexidine disinfection cotton swabs and disinfection applicators.

Shenzhen Medico Technology Co.,Ltd is an excellent producer of this field,so if you do have this need,move to www.medical-swab.com or contact the email:info@medical-swab.com to get more information.



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