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當局可以採取行動限制 COVID-19 在農村地區的傳播

地方當局可以限制規模, 活動的持續時間和頻率,包括交易會, 婚禮和葬禮以控制農村地區的 COVID-19, 根據周三發布的指南. 國務院聯防聯控機製印發, 該國的 COVID-19 控制工作組, 《意見》要求地方加強對重點場館和活動的管理 …


中國適時優化了 COVID-19 應對措施, 在 Omicron 變異死亡率降低和國家醫療保健系統準備工作加強的情況下, 專家週末表示. 他們警告說,該國將面臨 “COVID-19 感染浪潮” 整個冬天, 但補充說,疫情總體可控,回歸 …

流感和 COVID-19 有什麼區別?

流感 (流感) 和 COVID-19 都是傳染性呼吸道疾病, 但它們是由不同的病毒引起的. 新冠肺炎 (新冠病毒) 和流感有很多相同點和不同點. 真正診斷您是否患有流感或 COVID-19 的唯一方法是通過測試. 但了解每種症狀可以幫助您確定下一步該做什麼. 以下, 我們提供 …

中國發布關於進一步優化 COVID-19 響應的通知

北京 — China released a circular on further optimizing the COVID-19 response on Wednesday, announcing 10 prevention and control measures. The measures were introduced based on the latest epidemic situation and mutation of the virus to contain the epidemic in a more science-based and targeted manner, according to the circular issued by the State Council joint prevention and control mechanism

中國進一步優化 COVID-19 防控措施

China will cut COVID-19 quarantine period for incoming travelers from 10 至 8 天, cancel the circuit breaker for inbound flights and no longer determine secondary close contacts of confirmed cases, health authorities said on Friday. Categories of COVID-risk areas will be adjusted to high and low, from the old tertiary standards of high, medium and low, according to a

How to Do a COVID-19 Rapid Antigen Test At Home

At-home rapid antigen tests are a key in stopping the spread of COVID-19, but it’s important to do them properly. MEDICO shares a step-by-step guide on how to use a common COVID test at home. Suitable Crowd 1. Those with obvious symptoms: Those who have obvious respiratory symptoms, such as dry throat, 咳嗽, wheezing, accompanied by fever symptoms, and those

China to Balance COVID-19 Fight and Economic Development

A medical worker takes a swab sample from a resident for nucleic acid testing in Jilin city, Jilin province, 六月 21, 2022. China’s fight against the COVID-19 epidemic has entered the stage that stresses striking a balance between disease control and social and economic development, Li Bin, vice-minister of the National Health Commission, said on Saturday. He said global COVID-19


為方便國內出行, 中國周三在全國取消大數據行程卡上的星號, 根據工信部. 取消旨在提高國家 COVID-19 流行病控制和預防工作的有效性和效率, 促進社會經濟復甦, 該部說. 之前, travel cards carried

中國發布 COVID-19 消毒程序指南

Chinese health authorities on Tuesday issued a set of disinfection procedures, banning anysimplistic or unmannerlyconduct of disinfectant workers while spraying disinfectant in the homes of coronavirus-infected people. Great attention should be attached to disinfection as the fight against COVID-19 continues, according to a circular issued by the State Council COVID-19 response inter-agency task force. Local health authorities should

關於 COVID-19 無症狀患者的常見問題

As China is battling a new COVID-19 outbreak, the increased proportion of asymptomatic patients in the newly confirmed COVID-19 cases has raised questions among the public. Let’s revisit some important information about COVID-19 asymptomatic patients. Q: What is asymptomatic infection? A: Asymptomatic infection means people who display no abnormal findings on their lung CT scans and have no symptoms such as


診斷 COVID-19 病例時可採集多種標本進行實驗室檢測. 可採集上呼吸道樣本: 包括鼻咽拭子, 咽拭子, 等等。; 也可以採集下呼吸道樣本: 深咳痰, 支氣管肺泡灌洗液, 支氣管灌洗液, 呼吸道吸出物, 等等。; 還可以收集糞便樣本 / 肛門 …

用於 COVID-19 RT-PCR 測試的一次性無菌植絨拭子

一次性無菌植絨拭子是與 COVID-19 RT-PCR 測試一起使用的絕佳選擇,可優化樣本收集和洗脫到傳輸介質中. 產品參數 產品名稱 尼龍植絨拭子/標本採集拭子/無菌拭子系列 植絨拭子 品牌名稱 MEIDIKE GENE 材質 尼龍纖維 植絨頭和 ABS 手柄 顏色 白色 斷點 OEM 應用 COVID-19 RT-PCR 檢測, 細胞 & 標本採集 …

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