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北京 — Some China-based researchers have recently developed three rapid testing methods for monkeypox virus (MPXV) that can provide the result in 20 至 30 minutes and are significantly faster than the traditional quantitative real-time PCR (聚合酶鏈反應) method. Quantitative real-time PCR is currently the gold standard for MPXV diagnostics, but it requires trained laboratory personnel and specialized equipment, …

China Has Successfully Isolated Monkeypox Virus Strain and Started Vaccine Drug Research

A Chinese research institute said on Thursday that it has successfully isolated the monkeypox virus from samples of infected cases and has begun researching vaccines and drugs to fight the infectious disease. The Wuhan Institute of Biological Products, a research unit under the State-owned Sinopharm’s China National Biotech Group, made the announcement. The World Health Organization declared the global monkeypox


The monkeypox virus spreads through close contact with an infected animal or person. Or it can spread when a person handles materials such as blankets that have been in contact with someone who has monkeypox. The monkeypox virus spreads from person to person through: • Direct contact with rashes, scabs or body fluids of a person with monkeypox. • Extended

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