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Omicron Variant able to infect wide range of animals

The Omicron variant of the novel coronavirus can infect a broader range of animals than the original strain and the Delta strain, underscoring the significance of monitoring for the virus in susceptible species to prevent further mutations and spillover to humans, according to a recent study conducted by Chinese researchers. By comparing the receptor binding capability-a key step for viral

Probe of virusorigins needs collaboration

Open-mindedness in international community essential in tracing work To advance the probe into the origins of the novel coronavirus, top Chinese scientists have recently called for open-mindedness and international collaboration, as well as persistent efforts in screening wild animal specimens and samples of possible early infections. In an article published in The Lancet journal, Chinese researchers stressed that pinpointing a

The latest situation of the novel coronavirus epidemic as of 24: 00 在十月 26

The latest situation of the novel coronavirus epidemic as of 24: 00 在十月 26

The latest situation of the novel coronavirus epidemic as of 24: 00 在十月 26. 從 0: 00 至 24: 00 在十月 26, 31 省份 (自治區、直轄市) 新疆生產建設兵團報導 16 newly confirmed cases, all of which were imported from overseas (3 上海案例, 3 cases in



在北京市新型冠狀病毒感染的肺炎疫情防治記者會上, Shi Guoqing, 國家衛生健康委員會專家、中國疾管中心急診中心副主任, 說口咽​​拭子和鼻咽拭子是兩種方法的全稱. 如果它們以標準方式操作, 那裡 …



新型冠狀病毒爆發期間, 大家在做好個人防護的同時,密切注意疫情動態. 起初, 冬春季節是普通感冒、流感高發時期, 而控制疫情最重要的手段就是從眾多呼吸道患者中篩選出真正的COVID-19肺炎患者. 所以, …



核酸檢測多久能出結果? 各地區檢測機構數量、核酸樣本數量不同,核酸檢測結果出示時間不同. 一般來說, 結果將在 24-48 小時. If there is a testing institution in this unit at the



Swallow swab test is a medical test method, which uses a medical cotton swab to dip a small amount of secretion from the pharynx of human body, inoculates it in a special culture dish, and then places it in a temperature-controlled device for culture. You can know the patient’s condition, oral mucosa and throat infection. Secretions were taken from pharynx

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