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診斷 COVID-19 病例時可採集多種標本進行實驗室檢測. 可採集上呼吸道樣本: 包括鼻咽拭子, 咽拭子, 等等。; 也可以採集下呼吸道樣本: 深咳痰, 支氣管肺泡灌洗液, 支氣管灌洗液, 呼吸道吸出物, 等等。; 還可以收集糞便樣本 / 肛門 …

13 各省下調核酸檢測價格

13 各省下調核酸檢測價格

好消息! 13 provinces have lowered the price of nucleic acid testing, and many places can be paid by medical insurance. During the Spring Festival this year, nucleic acid was tested as apassportfor returning home. A few days ago, in order to further improve the prevention and control of epidemic normalization and reduce the burden of detection costs

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