» 行業新聞 » The Role of Sample Storage Tubes in Biomedical Research



Biomedical research often involves collecting, analyzing, and storing biological samples. Sample storage tubes play a vital role in biomedical research by providing a reliable and safe way of storing these samples while preserving their integrity for future use.

Sample storage tubes come in different shapes, sizes, and materials, each designed to meet the specific storage needs of various samples. They can be made of glass, 塑料, or any chemically-inert material, meaning they won’t react with the samples. 最常用的材料是聚丙烯, 由於其耐化學性和低成本,是實驗室應用的理想選擇.

樣品儲存管的基本特徵之一是它們能夠保護樣品免受污染. 許多這些試管都帶有一個按扣或旋入式蓋子,可以密封試管, 確保樣品保持完整且不含灰塵或細菌等雜質. 此外, 蓋子可防止揮發性液體(如乙醇)蒸發,並防止對溫度敏感的材料降解.

一些樣品需要特殊的儲存條件, 並且必須相應地選擇存儲管. 例如, 有些樣品需要冷凍, 在這種情況下, 將根據其承受低溫而不破裂或開裂的能力來選擇管子. 另一方面, 一些樣品可以被光降解, 需要琥珀色的管子來防止.

樣品儲存管有兩種主要類型: 標準管和低溫管. 標準管用於在室溫或冷藏條件下儲存樣品, 而低溫管設計用於在極低的溫度下(如液氮)儲存樣品 (-196℃).

值得一提的是,樣品儲存管不僅僅是一種臨時儲存方案. 它們可用作長期存儲解決方案,適用於歸檔材料和將生物和化學樣品保持其原始狀態數年,無需任何修改.

MEDICO Sample Storage Tubes

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