» 行业新闻 » CDC Experts: 现有的 COVID-19 疫苗对 Omicron 病毒仍然有效

疾控中心专家: 现有的 COVID-19 疫苗对 Omicron 病毒仍然有效


The new coronavirus reproduces a new mutant strainOmicron”. As of November 28, South Africa, Israel, 比利时, 意大利, 英国, Austria, and Hong Kong, 中国, have monitored the input of this mutant strain. The input of this mutant strain has not been found in other provinces and cities in our country. Many countries have upgraded their anti-epidemic measures to close the borders, restrict travel, and ban flights. IsOmicrongetting closer and closer to us? How should we guard against it?

IsOmicronvery close to us?

Xu Wenbo, 中国疾病预防控制中心病毒性疾病预防控制研究所所长: “Omicron” 随着全球运输,突变菌株正在迅速传播. 实际上, 不仅是欧姆龙, 但任何被感染的菌株都可以通过飞机迅速输入其他国家. 传播速度是否 “Omicron” 是否会增加仍然未知,需要在未来几周内进行观察和研究. 但它离我们很近, 因为中国和很多国家都有航班. 这 “Omicron” 压力不仅存在于非洲, 但已进口到其他国家, 它可能在某些国家有潜在的流行病, 所以进口到中国的机会很大.

有多危险 “Omicron”?

Xu Wenbo: 刺突蛋白的氨基酸突变位点 “Omicron” 包括 “三角洲” 病毒, 和 “Α”, “测试版” 和 “三角洲” 病毒一些重要的氨基酸突变位点. 但突变位点的增加并不一定意味着其传播增强, 也不代表它的免疫逃逸一定比 “三角洲” 病毒. Aggregation mutations are not necessarily an accumulation, 和 1+1 is greater than 2 In that form, structural virology, cross-immunization and neutralization, and field epidemiology are needed to observe the protective effect of the vaccine. 一般来说, “Omicronis still a new crown virus, and it will not undergo subversive changes.

DoesOmicronaffect our country’s existing nucleic acid detection reagents?

Xu Wenbo: The mutations ofOmicronare mainly concentrated on the neutralizing antigen spike protein. The mainstream nucleic acid detection reagents in China are designed for ORF/ab gene and N gene. The two genes seem to have not changed, so the sensitivity and specificity are not affected. The mainstream nucleic acid detection reagents in China can deal with the input of theOmicronmutant strain.

What impact doesOmicronhave on the vaccine?

Xu Wenbo: “Omicronis still a new coronavirus. Although its amino acids are cumulatively mutated, the vaccine is still effective and can reduce the proportion of severe illness and death. It cannot completely break through immunity. Barrier, because in addition to antibody immunity, there is also T cell immunity, and our country has a variety of vaccine immunization technology routes on the market, including inactivated vaccines, protein vaccines, vector adenovirus vaccines, as well as booster injections, sequential immunization, and then there is also the development of second-generation vaccines, which can deal with theOmicronstrain.

What should scientists pay attention to when observingOmicron”?

Xu Wenbo: As a scientist, we should pay attention to the following points: 1. Whether the mutation ofOmicronlead to increased transmission and whether it will exceed the “三角洲” 病毒 . 2. How strong is the immune escape ability ofOmicron”. 3. How didOmicroncome into being.

How does our country respond to the import ofOmicron”?

Xu Wenbo: Our country’s existing COVID-19 prevention and control policies, “foreign import prevention” 和 “internal prevention rebound”, conduct detailed epidemiological and genomic monitoring of all imported cases. It is possible to stop the spread ofOmicron”.

In daily life, 公众如何防范 “Omicron”?

Xu Wenbo: 1. 公众应戴口罩并保持社交距离, 特别是健康监测. 如果怀疑有新冠肺炎症状, 应及时监测体温,主动就医. 2. 减少不必要的退出, 尤其是对那些 “Omicron” 菌株被怀疑或已经流行或进口.


来源: 央视新闻


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