» 公司新闻 » Novel Coronavirus Swallow Swab Examination Method



咽拭子测试是一种医学测试方法, 用医用棉签沾取人体咽部的少量分泌物, 将其接种在特殊的培养皿中, 然后放入控温装置中进行培养. 您可以了解患者的病情, 口腔粘膜和咽喉感染. Secretions were taken from pharynx and tonsil for bacterial culture or virus isolation. Novel coronavirus is mainly transmitted through respiratory tract, so taking samples from pharynx can be further investigated. When nucleic acid is positive, it indicates that there is virus infection. 当然, its false negative probability is also relatively high, and the accuracy rate is about 30%, which usually needs to be taken three or four times.

The sampling swab for microbial flocking of oropharynx virus produces by Shenzhen Medico Technology Co.,Ltd adopts the unique injection nylon fiber implantation technology,which increases the collection and release of specimens.The swab has a total length of 14.5cm, and the plastic rod has a unique breakable design. Its fluff texture can collect more target analytes,and the swab is sterilized and packaged independently. Sterile swab in independent package.

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