» 公司新闻 » Asymptomatic infection? 我需要做抽样拭子测试吗?

无症状感染者? 我需要做抽样拭子测试吗?


无症状感染者? 我需要做抽样拭子测试吗?

Symptomatic infection and asymptomatic infection are two sides of the same coin. If there are many asymptomatic infections in the country, there will be many symptomatic infections at the same time. There are currently no confirmed cases in Shanghai, so I backtrack that there is no asymptomatic infection in Shanghai. Similarly, as long as there are no new confirmed cases in Wuhan, I think it is safe. 所以, it is not necessary and impossible to screen every Wuhan person for asymptomatic infection. Some suggestions should consider the feasibility of the operation. Sex.

As for the asymptomatic infected people, I think that there will be no symptomatic people in China in the future, and no more epidemics will occur, so we can not discuss the asymptomatic infection.

sampling swab test sampling swab test



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