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郑州已感染 101 本轮疫情中的人

郑州已感染 101 本轮疫情中的人

(抗击新冠肺炎) 郑州已感染 101 这轮疫情中的人, 报告第一例, 医院分流 447 患者 中国新闻社, 郑州, 八月 4 (Reporter Liu Peng Li Chaoqing) 郑州市, 河南省4日晚召开新闻发布会向全市通报本轮疫情情况 …



据俄罗斯媒体4月9日报道, 瓜亚基尔当地医生, 厄瓜多尔, 据说由于床位不足, 药物, 呼吸机和防护设备, 医务人员在与 COVID-19 的战斗中被击败, 并呼吁国际社会进行干预. 瓜亚基尔, 位于 260 基多以南英里, 是个 “震中” 新冠病毒爆发于 …



过去七日香港出现第三波疫情, 一周内出现数百个本地病例. 的 28 11日确诊病例, 16 是本地案例, 7 来历不明, 而慈云山成为重灾区. 12号, 38 香港报告新增确诊病例, …

关注 COVID-19 疫情 “非洲战疫”

关注 COVID-19 疫情 “非洲战疫”

关注 COVID-19 疫情 “非洲战疫”,中非智库代表建言献策合作. 与世界其他地区相比, 非洲大陆似乎受 COVID-19 肺炎流行的影响较小, 以至于有报道直接说, “为什么 COVID-19 肺炎疫情没有摧毁非洲?” 正如标题, 并提出 …

WHO: 欧洲再次成为 COVID-19 疫情的中心

WHO: 欧洲再次成为 COVID-19 疫情的中心

19日, 当地时间, 汉斯克鲁格, 世界卫生组织欧洲区域办事处主任, 在哥本哈根警告说,欧洲再次成为 COVID-19 流行病的中心, 欧洲每年有一个人死亡 17 平均秒. Clug 在新闻发布会上说,欧洲的 COVID-19 感染病例占 28% of

Due to the epidemic, the Chinese Embassy issued a notice

Due to the epidemic, the Chinese Embassy issued a notice

Due to the epidemic, the Chinese Embassy issued a notice Global Times reporter: Due to the epidemic, the Chinese Embassy issued a notice: suspending entry of people from some countries Chinese embassies in the United Kingdom, 法国, 比利时, 俄罗斯, 菲律宾人, 印度, 乌克兰, Bangladesh and other countries issued notices on the 4th and 5th respectively, suspending the holding of currently

First disclosure! The epidemic in Rencheng Prison began with a door-to-door visit

First disclosure! The epidemic in Rencheng Prison began with a door-to-door visit

In February this year, five prisons in Hubei, Shandong and Zhejiang were infected by criminals, which attracted wide attention from the society. 其中, the epidemic situation in Rencheng Prison in Shandong caused 207 people to be diagnosed, and the then director of the Judicial Department was dismissed. The latest progress has been made today (4th): Wang Wenjie, deputy director

The Kashgar epidemic may be related to the local temperature drop

The Kashgar epidemic may be related to the local temperature drop

On the evening of October 25th, the Press Office of the People’s Government of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region held a press conference on Kashgar epidemic situation, at which it was reported that on October 24th, a case of asymptomatic infection with SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia was reported in Shufu County of Kashgar. The infected person has been living in Shufu County, 和 …



从 0: 00 到 24: 00 在九月 4, 31 省份 (自治区、直辖市) 和新疆生产建设兵团报道 10 新确诊病例, 全部都是从海外进口的 (3 上海的案例, 2 cases in Guangdong, 2 cases in Yunnan, 1 case in Tianjin, 1 case in Fujian and 1 …



据美国约翰·霍普金斯大学最新统计, 作为 23: 28 在八月 31, 北京时间, 有超过 25.25 万确诊病例及逾 840,000 全球 COVID-19 死亡人数. 有超过 6 美国确诊病例数万例, 且校园疫情持续蔓延; 印度有 …

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