» 회사 뉴스 » Can oral swabs detect children’s talent genes?

구강 면봉으로 어린이의 재능 유전자를 감지할 수 있습니까??


구강 면봉으로 어린이의 재능 유전자를 감지할 수 있습니까??

What kind of talents can be detected by oral swab test? So is thischildren’s talent genetic testscientific?

This morning, the reporter contacted a genetic testing company in our city, and came to the company to consult the process ofchildren’s talent genetic testing”. A staff member of the company introduced thatchildren’s talent genetic testinguses swabs to extract oral mucosa. Saliva and other substances before sending them to genetic testing companies. The number of this swab is unique. Take this swab and scrape it 60 times to extract saliva from the oral mucosa. ”

The staff said that thechildren’s talent genetic testonly takes one and a half months to get the test results, so that you can know which talents the child has, 그리고 동시에, you can know the genetic defects of the child. 예를 들어, it may be better to be naughty and active for science. , But the results may not be good. ”

Oral swab Oral swab

Expert: Training children should follow the law of development

Wen Xianglan, a child care clinician of the Central Hospital, said that the cultivation of children’s interests, hobbies and specialties is more important than innate. In the cultivation of children, the principles of natural and healthy growth should be followed, and the children should not blindly listen to what kind of talent they have. “What we advocate is not to pull out the seedlings to promote growth, but to push forward step by step according to his developmental rules, and tap his potential. The mothers still have to be down-to-earth, and the main thing is for the children to grow up happily.

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    메디컬 테크놀로지(주), 주식회사. 중국의 의료 용품 전문 제조업체입니다., 우리는 나일론 무리를 지어 면봉을 생산하고 판매합니다, VTM 키트, 타액 수집 키트 및 CHG 면봉 & 델타 변종에 효과적인 중국에서 가장 많이 사용되는 COVID-19 백신.

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