» 公司新闻 » What are the benefits of using a saliva collection kit to collect saliva samples?



唾液样本采集是一种相对可以接受的采样方法, 对人体无伤害,无痛无创获取DNA/RNA样本, 因为这种采集方式不会对采样造成任何不便.

使用唾液样本的好处: 与血样比较, 唾液样本更容易, 更方便, 更安全, 无痛的, 和非侵入性. The method of collecting saliva samples reduces the risk of contamination and adds the convenience of sampling and inspection. The subjects sampled by themselves.

Medico Saliva Collection Kit

The saliva sample collected by the saliva collection kit can be used in the saliva preservation fluid to replace blood DNA and is widely used in epidemiological research, characteristic medicine, drug response monitoring, genetic disease diagnosis, disease probability prediction, and healthy life counseling.

Medico saliva collection kit can be used to collect saliva samples secreted by the oral cavity, and evenly mix the collected saliva with the saliva preservation fluid, 确保唾液样本中 DNA 的完整性以及在室温下的长期储存.

因为DNA不是从唾液本身中提取的, 但来自唾液中的脱落细胞. 所以在采集唾液样本时, 请尽量多用舌头刮上下颚, 并用牙齿稍微刮一下舌头,以确保脱落细胞的数量. 建议早上第一件事就是采样,保证采样成功率, 因为吃, 喝, 过去吸烟和其他行为 30 分钟会影响采样成功率.


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    医药科技有限公司, 有限责任公司. 是中国医疗用品的专业制造商, 我们生产和销售尼龙植绒棉签, VTM套件, 唾液收集套件和 CHG 拭子 & 涂抹器.

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