»» 業界ニュース » China’s COVID-19 Strategies Optimized

最適化された中国の COVID-19 戦略


当局は、最近のオミクロンを燃料とする大流行後に課せられた不必要な制限の解除を加速し、疾病管理戦略を縮小します。’ 経済的影響およびその他の結果 “不便”, 上級保健当局者は火曜日に言った, 封じ込め政策の歪曲された執行に対する国民の不満の急増の中で.

国家衛生健康委員会のスポークスマンである Mi Feng 氏は、地方自治体が競争を繰り広げていると語った。 “具体的で詳細な” 中央当局が発表した後の計画”20 対策” on optimizing the country’s COVID-19 strategies this month.

Based on contact tracing and nucleic acid test results, local authorities must make a precise judgment over the designation of risky areas, and remove all needless restrictions as soon as possible to minimize the inconvenience caused to the public,” he told a news conference in Beijing.

He called for more efforts to avoid bureaucracy and over-simplicity in the implementation process at the grassroots level, and to respond to sensible public demands.

この発言は、Omicron の亜種がより頻繁な発生を助長し、全国的な住宅団地の広範な封鎖を引き起こしたときに行われました。.

今週、ウルムチの高層住宅で火災が発生した後、怒りが噴出した, 新疆ウイグル自治区, 殺す 10 人.

国民の不満に直面して中国が封じ込め措置を変更するかどうかを尋ねた, ミは、調整が終わったことはないと述べた.

“流行が始まってから, the Chinese government has been doing research and making adjustments as the virus mutates and as the clinical data accumulate,” 彼は言った, adding that the changes of the transmissibility and potency of the Omicron variant, including the rate of severe illness and mortality, are closely watched for potential policy changes.

The aim is to maximize the protection of people’s interests and minimize the impact of the epidemic on socioeconomic development,” 彼は言った.

Cheng Youquan, an official with the National Disease Control Bureau, said the recent surge in public ire is mostly directed at local governmentsnegligence in meeting the demands of the public in restricted areas, そしてその “one-size-fits-allapproach toward controlling the spread of COVID-19, rather than the control measures themselves.

Some localities randomly, and sometimes unnecessarily, expand the area and people involved in the restriction, and don’t lift restrictions for a long time, and some places even impose control measures without approval,” 彼は言った.

Special commissions have been established nationwide to tackle such wrongdoings, and are responding to problems posed by netizens, 彼が追加した.

The Chinese mainland on Tuesday reported 3,561 local cases, と 34,860 local asymptomatic carriers, 国家保健委員会によると. The number of severely ill patients on Tuesday was 106.


ソース: チャイナデイリー


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