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我國單管核酸檢測能力已超過 100 每天百萬管

在十月 13, at the press conference of the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council, Liang Wannian, head of the expert group of the National Health Commission’s Leading Group for Epidemic Response and Disposal, said that the key to the prevention and control of the COVID-19 epidemic is “早期發現”, and nucleic acid testing is the key


最近, 還有另一個謠言說 “核酸/抗原採樣拭子有毒”. 這次, 造謠者更可惡. 他們不僅使用了 “有毒棉籤” 上海闢謠平台已澄清的圖片, 沒有科學依據, 並且充滿了錯誤, 還給謠言火上澆油,說 “預言: after this

China to Balance COVID-19 Fight and Economic Development

A medical worker takes a swab sample from a resident for nucleic acid testing in Jilin city, Jilin province, 六月 21, 2022. China’s fight against the COVID-19 epidemic has entered the stage that stresses striking a balance between disease control and social and economic development, Li Bin, vice-minister of the National Health Commission, said on Saturday. He said global COVID-19


在核酸檢測中, 收集的標本主要有哪些類型, 以及各自的優點和缺點是什麼? 診斷 COVID-19 病例時可採集多種標本進行實驗室檢測. 可採集上呼吸道樣本: 包括鼻咽拭子, 口咽拭子, 等等。; 也可以採集下呼吸道樣本: …


雖然普通棉籤和植絨棉籤的功能有很多相似之處,看起來也差不多, 它們的用途不同. 下面通過簡單的實驗來分析為什麼植絨拭子用於核酸採樣和抗原檢測. 而不是普通棉籤? 先準備兩杯水 杯子裡加入藍色染料 有植絨棉籤和普通 …


When a new round of nucleic acid screening was being carried out in Shanghai, a rumor spread widely on social media to the effect thatthe cotton swabs used for sampling have reagents on them and are poisonous”. Some netizens left a message on theShanghai Refutes Rumors Platformsaying that the elderly at home did not want to participate

為什麼使用植絨採樣拭子進行 COVID-19 核酸檢測?

COVID-19 是冠狀病毒的一種變體,可引起人類肺炎. 它是一種急性呼吸道傳染病, 具有高度傳染性, 大多數人都易感. 它很容易在人類的上呼吸道複製. 在正常情況下, 內可快速檢測新冠核酸 96 感染後數小時. 測試人員可以找到病毒 …


1. To avoid vomiting, 不要吃 2 hours before sampling 2. To avoid affecting the test results, 30 採樣前幾分鐘, 不吸煙, 喝或嚼口香糖 3. On the way to the nucleic acid test, wear a medical mask and try not to take public transportation 4. Keep a safe distance of more than 1 meter in


開展核酸檢測可快速發現病毒感染者, 這是預防和控制COVID-19的一項非常重要的戰略措施. 同時, 核酸檢測場所安全不容忽視, 加強管控和消毒,杜絕感染風險. 人員配備和防護 每個採樣點都應配備 …

What Are the Advantages of 10-in-1 Mixed Sampling Testing

10 在 1 mixed sampling testing means that after 10 people sampled separately, the samples are put into the same virus sampling tube. This mixed sampling testing mode is suitable for large-scale testing projects and has the advantages of efficient screening and resource saving. So where are its advantages? A virus sampling tube only puts a sample of one person, …


自 COVID-19 爆發以來, 很多人在做核酸檢測的時候都做過咽拭子, 所以他們對咽拭子有一定的了解. 所以, 除了核酸檢測, 咽拭子還能檢查哪些疾病? 什麼是咽拭子檢測? 咽拭子檢查是呼吸內科常用的檢查方法. 當喉嚨 …

中國降低了 Covid-19 核酸檢測的價格

A staff member deals with nucleic acid testing samples in a PCR (聚合酶鏈反應) 仙遊縣實驗室, 中國東部福建省, 九月 14, 2021. [攝/新華社] 為了將COVID-19核酸檢測和篩查的支出控制在可承受的水平, 努力保持疫情防控平衡, 經濟發展, 和社會生活, …

  • 關於我們

    醫療技術公司, 有限公司. 是中國醫療用品的專業製造商, 我們生產和銷售尼龍植絨棉籤, VTM套件, 唾液收集套件和 CHG 拭子 & 塗抹器.

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    地址: 房間 201, 301 和 401 A座10號, 寶龍五路, 同樂社區, 寶龍街, 龍崗區,深圳, 粵, 中國.

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