» 行业新闻 » Zhang Boli: 福建COVID-19疫情形势依然严峻, 但我相信一个月左右就能控制住

Zhang Boli: 福建COVID-19疫情形势依然严峻, 但我相信一个月左右就能控制住



九月 21, 44 福建新增确诊病例, 和总共 1,213 确诊病例.

新京报壳牌财经专访, Zhang Boli, 国家荣誉称号获得者 “人民英雄”, 中国工程院院士、天津中医药大学名誉校长, 称福建疫情仍在上升, 但他认为福建的疫情一个月左右就能控制住.

Zhang Boli

张伯礼表示,自9月出现确诊病例以来 10, 福建省新冠肺炎确诊病例连续多日持续增长, 分布于莆田, 厦门和泉州. 根据目前的情况, 此次福建疫情有以下特点.

第一的, 此次疫情是由进口Delta变异株引发的. Delta 变异株具有高病毒载量, 高传输容量, fast transmission, and long turnaround time. 第二, the latent transmission period is long, and the Putian outbreak was found before or has been spread in schools for 10 days.Third, the point of transmission is special, and schools have become the point of transmission, which is very different from previous outbreaks, with more children infected, increasing the difficulty of tracing the source and prevention and control. 第四, compared with the outbreaks in Yangzhou and Nanjing, the current round of outbreaks currently has more confirmed cases of mild and asymptomatic infections, and the overall age of the infected is young.

Zhang Boli pointed out that although the epidemic has not yet spread outside the province on a large scale, and is currently being stepped up to screen for traceability, 短期内仍有继续蔓延至其他地区的风险, 所以不能掉以轻心. 情况比扬州和南京更复杂, 福建, 感染群体仍在上升,传播链尚未完全识别和阻断的地方, 且短期内仍有蔓延至其他地区的风险.
“防控已到最关键阶段. 但在我国多地以往防控经验的基础上, 坚持科学有效的追溯, 专注于中西医结合治疗, 努力提高治愈率,预防院内感染, 相信一个月左右,福建的疫情就能得到控制。” 张伯礼说.




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