» 行业新闻 » Guangzhou upgraded the epidemic prevention and control measures: 所有外来人员集中隔离 21 天

广州升级疫情防控措施: 所有外来人员集中隔离 21 天


Information Office of Guangzhou Municipal People’s Government

In the early morning of September 25, the Guangzhou COVID-19 Epidemic Prevention and Control Command issued a notice (No. 26) on the implementation of upgrading measures for the prevention and control of the epidemic at the 130th China Import and Export Fair. The full text is as follows.

The 130th China Import and Export Fair (hereinafter collectively referred to as Canton Fair) will be held in Guangzhou in October, in order to ensure the smooth holding of this Canton Fair, 决定从即日起至10月实施以下新冠疫情防控升级措施 20.

第一的, 加强入境人员健康管理. 加强入境人员闭环管理, 点对点无缝. 即日起至十月 20, 所有外国入境者的检疫政策 (目的地是广州的人) 将从 “14 集中隔离天数 + 7 居家隔离的日子” 到 “21 集中隔离天数”, 核酸采样检测频率将调整为 1, 2, 3, 7, 14, 17, 19, 21 天; 建立快速转移机制, 入境人员返回广州后 14 城市集中隔离天数, 全闭环转运至酒店集中隔离 7 天. 从十月 21 起恢复原入境人员隔离政策, 到十月 20 在城市已经完成 14 集中隔离天数, 少于 21 天, 或者 14 返广州后全市集中隔离天数不到 7 天, 并有居家隔离条件, 可转入居家隔离, 居家隔离 21 入境后几天.

第二, 加强 (返回) 到广州人事管制. 到有居住史的高危地区 (返回) 广州市人员落实 “集中检疫 14 天” (从地级市出发的时间), 在 1, 4, 7, 10, 14 核酸检测几天, 双重测试的第14天. 对于那些在该地区有居住历史的人 (县) 中高风险所在, “居家隔离 14 天” 被执行 (时间从他们离开地级市算起), and nucleic acid testing is conducted on days 1, 4, 7 和 14, and double testing is conducted on day 14. For those who have a history of residing in the prefecture-level cities with positive local cases, they are given a yellow code, “two tests for three days” (24-hour interval) 和 14 days of home health monitoring (time is counted from the time they leave the prefecture-level cities with positive local cases), and a nucleic acid test is done on the 7th and 14th day respectively. For people coming to Guangzhou from other provinces where the outbreak has occurred, in addition to thefour ones” (issuing a health notification letter, conducting a health inquiry, checking a health code, and conducting a nucleic acid test), 14 days of self-health monitoring will be added. 如果中国其他城市出现本地疫情,并评估溢出风险, “两站一” 将实施核酸检测措施.

提高酒店、公寓防控水平. 做好个人防护, 具有新冠十种症状之一的人员不得从事招待服务. 落实住宿场所人员健康状况日常监测, 严格执行温度检测, 健康码查验与大数据行车卡管理沟通, 并每天实施 “零报告” 发烧人士系统.

4. 严守机场境外疫情输入闸口. 严格执行航站楼分区管理硬隔离措施, 入境人员点对点转移 “舱门” 到 “集中隔离酒店门” 到位, 加强垃圾收集, 贮存, 入境航班转移及无害化处置检查, 增加进境货物的抽样检测. 预防性消毒的频率, 尤其是船员, 地面清洁, 等等. 应监督检查到位.

第五, 加强封闭半封闭场所防控. 做好清洁工作, 通风, 公共区域消毒, 入口处安排专人负责健康码检查, 入场扫码, 测量体温并提醒戴口罩, 配备必要的防疫物资. 加强全市麻将馆疫情防控工作, 电影院, 游乐园, 网吧和体育馆, 超级市场, 游泳池和其他人员聚集的封闭和半封闭场所, 且上述场所必须严格执行人员扫码测温等防控措施, 维持人群秩序, 场所清洁通风消毒, 和员工健康管理.

第六, 加强公共交通管理. 城市的地铁, 巴士, 出租车, 在线汽车, 展览车辆和其他公共交通工具, 必须检查健康码, 必须测量温度, 乘客必须戴口罩. 增加公共交通和交通站点的清洁消毒频率, 多于 2 一天几次. 网约车司机每天做体温监测. Drivers with fever and other respiratory symptoms must immediately stop working and conduct nucleic acid screening for the new coronavirus. Wear masks throughout the work period for good personal health protection.

Seven, control the number of people in the exhibition hall. Strictly control the flow and density of people in the Canton Fair exhibition halls, control the instantaneous flow of people in the exhibition area, exhibition halls and booths through time-sharing, staggering, reservation and restriction of flow, 等等. The instantaneous flow of people in the venues shall not exceed 50% of the maximum carrying capacity of the venues. Gathering should be avoided when nucleic acid sampling is conducted at the temporary nucleic acid testing site of the venue. All exhibitors and attendees should do daily health monitoring and check 48-hour negative nucleic acid vouchers each time they enter the pavilion.

Guangzhou COVID-19 Epidemic Prevention and Control Command September 24, 2021


来源: Yangcheng Evening New


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