» 산업 뉴스 » China issues guideline on COVID-19 disinfection procedures

China issues guideline on COVID-19 disinfection procedures


Chinese health authorities on Tuesday issued a set of disinfection procedures, banning anysimplistic or unmannerlyconduct of disinfectant workers while spraying disinfectant in the homes of coronavirus-infected people.

Great attention should be attached to disinfection as the fight against COVID-19 continues, according to a circular issued by the State Council COVID-19 response inter-agency task force.

Local health authorities should give an adequate explanation for the necessity of disinfection measures and must respond to public concerns, 그것은 추가.

In addition to the guidelines on disinfection for disinfectant workers, basic information on disinfection in daily life has also been provided for the public, according to the COVID-19 response task force.


원천: 차이나 데일리

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  • 회사 소개

    메디컬 테크놀로지(주), 주식회사. 중국의 의료 용품 전문 제조업체입니다., 우리는 나일론 무리를 지어 면봉을 생산하고 판매합니다, VTM 키트, 타액 수집 키트 및 CHG 면봉 & 델타 변종에 효과적인 중국에서 가장 많이 사용되는 COVID-19 백신.

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