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Why is there a phenomenon of cold chain food/goods passing on?

Why is there a phenomenon of cold chain food/goods passing on?

Luan Rongsheng: Cold chain food means that after perishable food is purchased or caught from the place of origin, all links must be in a low temperature environment during product processing, 貯存, 運輸, distribution and retail until it reaches consumers. And why is there a phenomenon of cold chain food/goods passing on? Because frozen food itself is in a low

The new outbreak virus in Beijing comes from cold chain imported food

The new outbreak virus in Beijing comes from cold chain imported food

Combined with comprehensive epidemiological investigation and big data analysis, the researchers revealed that the virus source in the concentrated epidemic situation in Xinfadi market in Beijing is very likely to be cold chain imported food in overseas epidemic areas, and proposed that cold chain transportation may be a new way for SARS-CoV-2 to spread. On June 11, 2020, a case

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