» 公司新聞 » Why is there a phenomenon of cold chain food/goods passing on?

Why is there a phenomenon of cold chain food/goods passing on?


Luan Rongsheng: Cold chain food means that after perishable food is purchased or caught from the place of origin, all links must be in a low temperature environment during product processing, 貯存, 運輸, distribution and retail until it reaches consumers.

And why is there a phenomenon of cold chain food/goods passing on? Because frozen food itself is in a low temperature state, if it is contaminated, the virus will survive for a long time. 其次, in the place where frozen food is processed, the temperature is low and the space is closed. If there is a source of infection in the processing place at this time, it will cause human-to-human transmission or human-to-human transmission. There are more sources of infection, so the probability of cold chain food being polluted is greater.

然而, unlike cold chain foods, fruits can’t be frozen for a long time or not. 此外, the environment in which they live is ventilated, and the temperature is higher than that of cold chain foods, and viruses can’t survive on the surface of fruits for too long, so it is unlikely that viruses exist on the surface of fruits. 現在, there are no cases of infection caused by eating fruits, so the risk is extremely low. 此外, most viruses on the surface of fruits can be removed by washing with clear water.

此外, the person-to-person transmission of cold chain food is not the infected person who eats the cold chain food, but spread through contact. 也就是說, other body parts such as hands come into contact with contaminated frozen food or contaminated packaging, and then touch the mouth, eyes and nose with hands, thus being infected. 而且, it can be spread by contact, and it is also exposed to large droplets with high concentration and contaminated frozen food/articles with high concentration.

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